yes thank you for the heads up about!Originally Posted by subachad
yes thank you for the heads up about!Originally Posted by subachad
Well im ordering the cylinder head this week, and daewoomofo from daewootech said he would give me a lanos intake manifold if it fits the aveo cylinderhead. so i can get that polished too.
So with CAI, full exhaust with a header, Port and polished cylinder head & intake manifold, and Cams... Do you think I'd hit the 150 HP mark with out high compression pistons?
That would save me a boat load of money.
115, 120 tops and I think that would even be pretty generous. Biggest change will be to power delivery.
N/A tuning on low displacement motors is entirely disappointing. All your power is going to be 5k+. With modern turbos there's no reason to do an N/A tune, unless you have a big motor. Turbo lag is negligent now-a-days, spool up time is next to nothing.
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
should be some good tourque gains tho...
i stand corrected.
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
I' am actually think about doing turbo now, I already started talking to a speed shop, and fabricatorx. Both are helping me out. So I may be changing my build up route.
I'll keep you all informed.
Just remember the pistons! 9.5:1 is nearing "insane to boost" territory. Without lowering compression don't expect to get much out of it... except a blown motor.
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
well I just got back from the shop and the guy was out getting a crank. so I'll just go back tomorrow.
yeah, I know about the compression, but you think it'll be fine since im going relatively low boost? dont just tell me to get lower compression just cause turbo setups use them, some cars are fine with the stock pistons (the turbo optra engine is stock-yeah I know that motor has better internals and such). what im getting at is: is it REALLY necessary?
what? 9.5:1 is safe if you tune it right....ive seen lots of people boost 10:1 and up with no problems in reliability as long as u get a good tuneOriginally Posted by exodus
thats what i was thinking.Originally Posted by AVE0SAM
Even on low boost you'd probably be stuck using 93 octane all the time with that high of a compression ratio. If I'm going to be throwing money into the tank, I'd want some decent numbers out of the motor.
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.