Who's using synthetic and does it really make a difference if you do regular fluid changes anyway?
Who's using synthetic and does it really make a difference if you do regular fluid changes anyway?
My thinking has always been: oil is oil in modern engines. Unless it's a dedicated race car, any name brand oil will do.Originally Posted by Ron-E-Babe
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
That's always been my thinking as well...I figured i would toss out the question just to see what folks are doing
Maybe the trans can have the synthetic, it doesn't get changed as often as the engine oil.
How many of you have/are changing your brake and power steering fluid on a regular schedule? What schedule?
Brake and power steering fluid don't break down like oil. You only need to change them when they get dirty, water gets in, or in case of break fluid, air.Originally Posted by Ron-E-Babe
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
synthetic is...basically an ass load better on your engine. it reduces friction between mechanical parts which of coarse adds to fuel efficiency. since when i first got my Aveo I've noticed fuel economy increase from averaging 24.5mph to now 26.3 city, and improvements from 31mph to 33.5mph *freeway* i know part of the improvement is engine break in, but I'm confident that oil helps. went from regular motor oil to dura-blend to now straight synthetic. and not only did i notice the increase in the short amount of time i changed the oil. with the synthetic the engine also sounds a bit better and has a much better top end.
lol also another argument that was brought up *well not really an argument more of a comment i heard* was that by buying synthetic oil we don't have to import oil from other countries![]()
there's my 2 cents which of coarse won't make up for the cost of synthetic vs regular motor oil... but I'm a perfectionist when it comes to performance so its worth it for me.
Synthetic is way better when it comes to friction and producing power but it also has a down side and that is the price, it burns alot easier causing more blow by gas. regular oils last longer, price is way cheaper(pay what you get) and it produces less blow by gas. So my two cents is go with what your driving style is. I have always loved synthetic since I have only owned performance cars and never a economical car. But I love my Aveo.![]()
How long are you normally suppose to wait before switching to synthetic when buying a new car? Do you wait 3,000 miles or less?
Just change it. No need to wait.
I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.
i thought you were supposed to let the engine run at least 6000 miles on regular oil so the valve seals seat properly and then that is when you can add synthetics. and i believe the reason you have to let the seals seat properly is because synthetics can seep through the seals if they are not seated properlyOriginally Posted by ontarian_frog
I thought you could change after the 1k break-in period? Plus an oil change every 20k sounds good to me, just switched at 19k and havent noticed anything different in the mileage way(most of my highway driving is done over 130kph so its bad either way.) but we'll see come oil change in a couple months, 22689 km's as of tonight, purchased dec.23/07.
This is to those who say it can not be done... I will break 210kph!