Hey all. Just thought I'd chime in with an update on some work I've been doing. Today I broke into the guts of my Aveo and: removed the old timing belt, replaced the water pump, replaced timing belt tensioner/pulley, replaced timing belt idler pulley, replaced timing belt, replaced drive belt, replaced spark plugs, replaced plug wires. After sewing her back up, she fired right up and purred like a cat. Man that's always a good feeling. Thanks to all the guides and info on this forum, the job was a piece of cake. The hardest part I think was getting the upper timing belt cover in and out of place around all the hoses (yes, I thought replacing the water pump was actually easier than that dang cover!) Just some notes... and questions, too...
1. removing the inner engine mount bracket is a huge help for access to the water pump, and being able to pry away the inner timing belt cover enough to remove the water pump. i also remove the timing belt tensioner pulley and idler to relieve extra room of the inner timing belt cover. using a single ziptie, i held the inner cover away from the engine (loop around the tb cover, and the bolt for the inner wheel well splash guard). there was plenty of room to jiggle the old pump out, and the new one in. see pics...
2. after mounting the new timing belt idler pulley and torquing it to spec, i noticed when spinning it that it rubbed against the inner cover. i removed it, and noticed the inner cover had wear marks from the previous pulley. the old pulley even had a flared edge to it from where it rubbed. see pic... poor design having the pulley so close to the inner cover. i can hear the new one rubbing when the engine is running. i imagine after a while, it will wear off enough to not hiss and whine. it's hardly noticeable now, but still noticeable. this a common occurrence?
3. also, with that inner engine mount bracket out of the way, there is plenty of room to slide a pair of channel lock pliars in and around the water pump to rotate it for tension. i had spent 20 bucks and ordered that metal special tool thinking i was going to need it (which now that I think about it, is only necessary probably if you DONT remove the inner engine mount bracket) the tool hasn't even been delivered to me yet but I finished the install today, haha. oh well, now i have a large crows foot.
EDIT: I think the answer to the following could be the valve cover gasket...
4. all of my old plugs looked good color and wear wise. except one had quite a bit of oil around the threads and near the base washer. the others were pretty dry as usual. any ideas about this? the plug end was fine, no oil or fouling. just the threads were a little oily. i took a pic, not sure how well you can see it. i have the oily one on the right, and a normally worn one on the left...