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    Thread: Torn air intake hose on LPG-modified car. Replace or ignore?

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      Bas is offline
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      Torn air intake hose on LPG-modified car. Replace or ignore?

      When I bought my Aveo I noticed the air intake hose (if that's what it's called; the big rubber tube coming from the air filter box, in the top left of the engine compartment) was torn. I pointed it out to the dealer and he said that I could just tape it up with duct tape, but it didn't really matter because the car was modified to run on LPG and the LPG modification has its own air intake.

      Name:  2013-07-14 13.11.55.jpg
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      Now, obviously the guy wanted to sell me the car so he could've told me anything I wanted to hear, or it could have been the truth - I have no way of knowing. All I know is that I'm not a fan of the duct tape method: that tube is right over the drive belt and if the tape came off due to heat or whatever, it'd get stuck in that belt, which is something I definitely don't want. Also, the car may run on LPG but it starts on regular gasoline (plus I might run out of LPG without an LPG station nearby, which would mean I'd have to continue on gasoline), so it'd be necessary then.

      Now, I noticed that new tubes are about €30 on ebay, which isn't super expensive but not exactly pocket change either. Now I'm debating wether or not to replace it.

      What do you guys think? Repair ASAP, or is it indeed not necessary due to the LPG system using a different intake?

      Last edited by Bas; 07-15-2013 at 03:09 PM. Reason: Added picture.

    2. #2
      Almost time to do my timing belt ontarian_frog's Avatar
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      There is no separate air intake for LPG. Get it replaced ASAP.
      I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.

    3. #3
      Bas is offline
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      Right, that's what I feared. I'm looking at replacement hoses, but I'm running into a problem. Here's mine:

      There's a.. thing connected on the left near the air filter box, and a second.. thing on top of the hose, at the other end. Now, all the replacement hoses I can find look like this:

      The connector near the air filter box is there, but there isn't one at the top of the hose on the other end, like with mine. Instead, there's an extra thing near the first connector, with some sort of vertical tube sticking out of it. Can I somehow connect the hose that comes from my engine on that? Are these things even compatible?
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      Last edited by Bas; 07-15-2013 at 08:40 PM.

    4. #4
      Should I keep it? Lola's Avatar
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      Yes. It's compatible. That's the correct one to buy. That's the PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) line. Just pull the hose from the plastic elbow on your cracked intake and plug it onto the new elbow on the new intake. The ONLY thing that really matters it that the PCV hose is plugged into the intake system between the Air Filter and the Throttle blade. On all vehicles. The crankcase sucks in fresh air through that hose. Because ALL Aveo Intake's crack, They started putting the fitting above the flex ripples so after it cracks, the crankcase will still sucks in filtered air.

      Long story short. That's an upgrade compared a new GM Year Correct Intake hose. Change your oil also.

    5. #5
      Should I keep it? Shakatu's Avatar
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      I took my hose completely off and wrapped it with duck tape. Shops around here trying to sell a new one for $60. Yeah right! I'd get CAI for cheaper!

    6. #6
      Should I keep it? Lola's Avatar
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      Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that because of the torn Intake Hose and your engine running on some unfiltered air you should put some time into cleaning your Throttle Body. Also Engine Oil Flush, Synthetic oil and a 4 cyl can of Restorer. It's all about taking care of your car before you must fix your car. Aveo's have Throttle Body and Idle Air Control (IAC) issues more than other cars because lots of them go many many miles with cracked intakes/unfiltered air. I met my wife fixing her 04' 115K only owner and her's was torn almost all the way around. It happens to all of them. Bad design. There are many threads and YouTubes about how to clean Throttle Bodies. Good Luck and what is LPG?
      Last edited by Lola; 07-16-2013 at 07:48 AM.

    7. #7
      Bas is offline
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      Thanks for the information, Lola!

      Yeah, those hoses are expensive. I found one on ebay for $30, still not cheap but a lot better than most of them out there.

      I was planning an oil change anyway, so I suppose I'll put that off until after the hose comes in and just plan a weekend of cleaning the throttle body and flushing the engine. I hope it's reasonably doable for a beginner.

      LPG is liquefied petroleum gas or propane/butane. It's an alternative (and much cheaper than gasoline) fuel available here.

    8. #8
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      I looked into some threads and videos on cleaning the throttle body. I'm not sure if I can just open the throttle by hand or if that'll screw something up. Basically, I'm wondering if a 2004 aveo is fly by wire or if it's mechanically controlled. I think ideally I'd just take the entire throttle body off and give it a good clean, but if that's too hard/impractical/screws up the computer I suppose I'll leave it where it is and use some spray.

    9. #9
      Should I keep it? Lola's Avatar
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      Just make sure to twist it fully open and clean the gap between the Throttle Blade and the Throttle Bore very well. It's standard cable operated and you really can't do any damage opening it and brushing it with a nylon brush and Throttle Body Cleaner. You'll find a hole in the bore before the blade spray a bunch of cleaner in there also. That's the Idle Air Control Port. When the small valve in that hole gets dirty It'll idle like crap.

    10. #10
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      Awesome, will do. Thanks for the advice!

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