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    Thread: Torque Mount Stiffening

    1. #1
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Torque Mount Stiffening

      So, I may have a couple extra $$$ in my budget before RX, and I'd like to get my torque mount straightened out before the first event.

      Background: Popping out of second gear over larger bumps and dips.

      Plan: Window Weld the bastard.

      I took a look at the mount over the weekend. Thankfully it doesn't look damaged in any way. Appears that all the bolts are intact along with the mount points.

      A couple questions on the process:

      1. How to fill the bushing on the dog bone? Make some sort of cardboard "mold" and just fill all the space around it?

      2. How to support the engine when removing the dog bone? Floor jack and wood on the oil pan? I don't have a hoist, so I'm going to have to use a floor jack, just not sure where the best place to put it would be.

    2. #2
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      the dogbone doesnt hold the engine up.. it just keeps it from swinging with torque (doesnt do too good of a job though).

      you should be able to unbolt the mount from the kframe, , pry the engine forward, and then stick a wood block in to hold it there, then take mount to the engine bolts out.

      which window weld did you get? the urethane tube? without looking at the pulled mount, i would tape a "teepee" to one side, (side toward the engine, and fill it through the mount, assuming there are the common mount casting holes.. then buld a teepee on the
      other side.. and fill it through a slit..

      if the are not holes then put a teepee on both sides with slits for inserting the tip of the urethane.

      the engine side of the mount if its not solid, just tape one end so it becomes a cup and fill it up..

    3. #3
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Awesome, I just remember seeing a pic of a broken one, and it looked like the engine/tranny assembly fell like 6".

      Haven't picked up anything yet, was probably gonna get the urethane crap in the calking tube.

      Thanks for the info.


    4. #4
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      i can see it swinging backward that far to give that illusion. but i would imagine a 6" actual drop would have meant one of the other mounts.

    5. #5
      What's wrong with my car?
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      assuming all components of the dog bone are aluminum as they are on most other gm's? (cavs N sunfires gotta metal one..

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