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    Thread: Urgent advice is needed

    1. #1
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      Urgent advice is needed

      I had an ecotec engine 1.6 L just arrived from Minnesota and the life span of the engine as the digital odometer read is 188000 miles. How far this engine can work (How many miles) without servicing. What your advice, Swap or Not in my chevy aveo 2007.
      Thanks all

    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo? PoisonIvy's Avatar
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      Whoa. Easy on the multiple posts. All the info you need is on this website. WITHOUT servicing? Not very far. Even if this is a 2009 or newer 1.6L, do you know if the timing belt and accessories have been done? If it's 2008 or older, you NEED to change all of that no matter what. Might as well do the seals as well while you're in that area. Honestly, that's probably not a great choice for a replacement engine, unless you REALLY scored a good deal.

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by PoisonIvy View Post
      Whoa. Easy on the multiple posts. All the info you need is on this website. WITHOUT servicing? Not very far. Even if this is a 2009 or newer 1.6L, do you know if the timing belt and accessories have been done? If it's 2008 or older, you NEED to change all of that no matter what. Might as well do the seals as well while you're in that area. Honestly, that's probably not a great choice for a replacement engine, unless you REALLY scored a good deal.
      thank you
      the most important question is the high mileage of this engine (188000 miles/ 302000 km) is acceptable or not and that engine with the servicing you mentioned expected to work good for how long?
      thanks again

    4. #4
      What do you mean there's no turbo? PoisonIvy's Avatar
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      Personally, I wouldn't go through with the effort to swap in an engine with that mileage. But your options are definitely different then mine. I could make a phone call and have another engine at my house in an hour. You didn't mention which 1.6L it was. If it's the older "E-Tech II" engine I think valves were a weak point on that engine. But who knows, maybe that engine has already had the head rebuilt due to a timing belt destruction. It depends how much of the work you do yourself. Swapping out some seals and a valve cover gasket while you have the engine on a stand won't be that big of deal. There's the high mileage thread on Aveoforum, obviously guys can keep this little engine going, but it's tough to say. With that kind of mileage on the engine, someone PROBABLY did do enough maintenance to it, to keep it going to that point...
      Last edited by PoisonIvy; 05-23-2015 at 10:46 AM.

    5. #5
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      Quote Originally Posted by PoisonIvy View Post
      Personally, I wouldn't go through with the effort to swap in an engine with that mileage. But your options are definitely different then mine. I could make a phone call and have another engine at my house in an hour. You didn't mention which 1.6L it was. If it's the older "E-Tech II" engine I think valves were a weak point on that engine. But who knows, maybe that engine has already had the head rebuilt due to a timing belt destruction. It depends how much of the work you do yourself. Swapping out some seals and a valve cover gasket while you have the engine on a stand won't be that big of deal. There's the high mileage thread on Aveoforum, obviously guys can keep this little engine going, but it's tough to say. With that kind of mileage on the engine, someone PROBABLY did do enough maintenance to it, to keep it going to that point...
      thank you so much. The engine is ecotec and taken from aveo LS 2009. The engine came complete with the wiring system (The whole car exist now).

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