apparentely it was just made at a welding shop on the way to Baruta, it seem sthte car is really popular there but i thihk they have 1.4 there instead of the 1.6
apparentely it was just made at a welding shop on the way to Baruta, it seem sthte car is really popular there but i thihk they have 1.4 there instead of the 1.6
I'd be wary about any "aftermarket" car parts from South America, people who own cars there maintain them differently than most Westerners do, when I mean differently I mean that most people (the poorer countries anyway) aren't completely able to afford OEM same-quality replacement parts, so those people turn to private custom shops that mass produce parts on the cheap. Some people even make their own replacement parts just so it can drive again for as long as possible.
I know this cause I saw a National Geographic documentary talking about the world's most dangerous roads and the worst one which is located in Bolivia is apptly named "Yungas road", which translates to "Death road", a segment of the program talked about people using parts that they made or parts that were cheaply made failing on their vehicles while they were traveling down or up that road, causing them to lose control and crash and die.
Now I'm not saying that Venezuela parts are bad, or they aren't safe, I just don't really think South America is a good place to find such replacement or aftermarket parts...
I'd just get mine from Mexico before I got them from S. America![]()
"If I parked a T-72 tank in my back yard, aimed the cannon towards Mexico, and muttered something
about protecting my village from an invasion, the police would show up and probably haul me away."
look at the engine cover, sohc is 8valve and dohc is 16valve so its definitely the 1.6Originally Posted by BurntGreen
They make a 1.4 DOHC in some markets same engine as the 1.6. remember a 1.5 DOHC is a bored 1.4 and a 1.6 is a stroked and bored 1.4. same head design.
well then i retrack my previous statement lol
Just cause the price is low doesnt mean that it is cheap there. That could equate to a 300 dollar header or more. Remember the inflation and dollar($1) to bolivares($2144.50) ratio. But I would wait to see if a major manufacturer here would make one or have a reputable shop make one.
Fabricator X Is still working on one...trying to make it more efficient and affordable... patience will pay off on this one.
At lest though the aveo is popular there so i imagine that the parts have to at least be decent
the real question is how hoard would it be to get one here?
All the engines here for the Aveo are the 1.6 lt engine, don't know it'll fit the smaller engines.
My advice is that the custom parts and products here are very good, i dare to say they have the same quality specs as the americans, obviously depending who's manufacturing it (i'll put some info later). There are some garage or tuner shops that have very high reputation here, they even work and ship to neighbor countries like Colombia and maybe Argentina. Intermecanica is one of this garages... I think they support and develop custom parts for the racing Aveo category here, called "Copa Aveo" . So, i think it's not bad at all to get a header made by Intermecanica or from other tuner shop here....
BTW, our metal is one of the best in the world... you can google for more info...![]()