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    Thread: VP12 Performance Chip - Has anyone tried it?

    1. #1
      fbc is offline
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      Question VP12 Performance Chip - Has anyone tried it?

      I was going through ebay tonight and ran across an auction sells chips that can increase your performance with optimized maps fuel/timing,etc.

      VP12 Performance Chip

      It's 89 bucks, so it's not exactly a deal breaker.

      Has anyone had any experience with this unit? It says it support all aveo 1.6L engines.
      The DYNO test show slight improvements for certain vehicles. Which doesn't necessarily mean you will see any with our engines, but for 89 bucks and just a few splices of your ODBC cable; I might be willing to take that risk.

      Last edited by fbc; 06-05-2013 at 05:25 AM. Reason: typo

    2. #2
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      Quote Originally Posted by fbc View Post
      for 89 bucks and just a few splices of your ODBC cable; I might be willing to take that risk.
      general rule of thumb goes if you have to splice something like this in it's a complete ripoff a gimmic that does not work. 89 bucks is allot of money for what would more than likely cause nothing but problems. it even says in it's own description that it tells the ecu to dump more fuel in so you will purely be be running rich which is fine if you can get more air in but as our cars aren't turbo'd there is not actual gain if anything it will reduce power as the combustion mixture is not right.

      manufacturers spends millions developing engines so a simple pug in device is never going to make that much differnence as if not they would have done this in the first place! i have learnt this from experiance in previous cars and friends cars you can do every cheep mod under the sun none of which will make a noticable difference. if you want more power your best bet with our cars is engine swop. they are small engines with little to no aftermarket surport out there hence to do anything that gains a noticable amount of power to our cars costs!! big time.

    3. #3
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      What if your happy with just a mere 10 - 15 more horses? Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe a cold air intake would give about 2 extra HP, and a programmable ECU with the right fuel maps another 3HP, so your about half way to 10 HP already, you just have to figure out how to get the rest. Possible platinum plugs with a mega-size coil pack to make sure your getting an explosive spark and an under-drive pully; and possibly higher flow injectors. Just kicking around the thoughts here.

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      and what if your paying $89 for a $1 resistor in a fancy box? And that resistor only tricks the computer to add fuel to get more hp, well until the o2 or knock issues cut the fuel back again.. but that is worth it right?

    5. #5
      fbc is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      and what if your paying $89 for a $1 resistor in a fancy box? And that resistor only tricks the computer to add fuel to get more hp, well until the o2 or knock issues cut the fuel back again.. but that is worth it right?
      No I don't think we are talking about the same product. Please hit the link and read up on it. It goes connected to the ODBC plug on your car. It's supposed to download it's fuel maps to your ecu each time your car is turned on and make adjustments along the way. They recommend a Cold air intake and 92 octane gas to take advantage of the new maps.
      Last edited by fbc; 06-05-2013 at 11:43 PM.

    6. #6
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      Quote Originally Posted by fbc View Post
      No I don't think we are talking about the same product. Please hit the link and read up on it. It goes connected to the ODBC plug on your car. It's supposed to download it's fuel maps to your ecu each time your car is turned on and make adjustments along the way. The recommend a Cold air intake and 92 octake gas to take advantage of the new maps.
      general rule of thumb goes if you have to splice something like this in it's a complete ripoff a gimmic that does not work
      the afore mentioned product if you actualy read the instaltion guide states that you have to splce in the wires. nothing that you have to spice the wires into can physically alter the programing of the ecu hence meaning as petrified rabit says
      and what if your paying $89 for a $1 resistor in a fancy box?
      this is all 99.9% of these power bosters are is a resistor that alters the resistence of the MAF sensor tricking the ecu into thinking that the air is going into the engine is colder (more dense) or faster (compressed) than it actually is.
      that resistor only tricks the computer to add fuel to get more hp, well until the o2 or knock issues cut the fuel back again
      and again there is a multitude of sensors that will pick up the fact that after combustion there actualy is not the same amount coming out as there is going in so like petrified says the ecu will automatically correct the fueling in line with the amount of gases coming out the other end.

      ALL THIS PRODUCT WILL DO IS MAKE YOUR ENGINE RUN RICH FOR A SHORT PERIOD AND THROUGH UP ERROR CODES this product will also cause damage to your engine as when an engine is not combusting corectly it will clog it up reducing performance.

      as for the air filters if you do the reserch into these products they are purely a plocebo (sorry if thats spelt wrong) effect lots of noise oh geez i must be going faster. as you said you could fit platinum plugs (again look at the reserch until you have done serious upgrades this will do ziltch) combine these with an uprated coil-pack and all you are looking at is a melted piston again serious internal upgrades need doing before doing those sort of upgrades. as for fitting high flow injectors all well and good however 3 things to consider 1 the fueling is controled by the ecu so will still only inject the corect amount of fuel as the o2 sensors would pick up an overfueling and correct the injection time acordingly 2 you would need to uprate the fuel pump possiblely to cope with the incressed fueling or you may find that you will starve the engine and finaly 3 even if both the 2 previously mentioned points do not happen you will again be running rich which will cause incorect combustion as you are still are not adding more oxygen into the mixture hence clogging up those nice shinny new injectors, valves cat damaging the o2 sensors a multitude of bad things.

      as for the underdrive pully i am un-famillar with the paticulrities with doing this modification however understand the principles (if i am wrong feel free to corect me). the greatest kill in an engines power is that of unsprung wieght (anything that moves via the engine) i.e wheels pullies fly-wheel e.c.t reduce these wieghts and you reduce the amount of effort it takes for the engine to turn, now this does not actualy create more hp but more whp (wheel horse power) the engine still produces the same power as without the reductions in weight however that power is transfered to the road more effiencently.

      if you are looking to get the most out of your engine for the cheepest possible and this is exactly what i personaly have done is to purely give the engine a overhaul. clean air filter, fuel filter, fresh oil + filter, clean the coke out of your manifold ( the black soot built up internally thorefore constricting the pipe reducing the airflow out. air goes in air must come out after all), clean/replace stock injectors, fresh spark plaugs and ht leads. i have a local test run i do after each "power" mod i have done. before i done the works was hitting 82mph after was hitting 88mph for the cost of a new air filter oil filter oil spark plugs and ht leads. sourced the parts from local parts store for all in less that 40 gb pounds.

      rule of thumb (sorry to keep saying that) IF IT SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT NORMALLY IS

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