i believe he has an SRT4Originally Posted by xiaogary
i believe he has an SRT4Originally Posted by xiaogary
correct, I have the nitrous on my SRT. I am going to spray the aveo just for fun when I can get another cheap kit. They go used around here for $200 all the time.
If you do decide to spray it, start at a 35 shot and move from there. Get a window switch, electrical wot switch, hobbs switch, and something to retard timing when you are spraying. There are things out there that will only retard the timing while spraying so you do not lose that hp while off spray. The other thing is get a reputable kit. NOS, Zex (really good), Dyno tune (fairly inexpensive), and Cold fusion are some of the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
The window switch sprays from XXXXrpms-XXXXrpms and is good in case you miss a shift so nitrous isnt spraying while you are at fuel cut. That would blow the motor.
The electrical WOT switch goes of the TPS voltage. So when the computer sees WOT, the nitrous will spray. This has its advantages over a mechanical one behind the pedal for 2 reasons. 1 is because the switch may get stuck in the down position causing you to spray when you dont want to potentially blowing the motor. 2. is because the drive by wire isnt instant so you will actually be spraying just before going WOT.
The Hobbs switch is the life saver in the system. It is a little pressure switch that makes it so if you drop fuel pressure, it wont spray. Most cars do not run these and that is why on the videos you see intake manifolds blowing off and rods getting thrown.
With these safety devices you have to be within XXXX-XXXXrpms, be at full throttle, have the bottle open, have the system armed, and have full fuel pressure. And with some of the newer controllers (dynotune's), you can get the window/wot switch all in one and it has gear lockout so you can run through gear 1-2 without it spraying and gear 3-4 will spray then it will turn back off at 5th. Or customize it however you want to.
Sorry for the long post but some good info in there.
beautiful aveodude, i dint know about that "stuff".
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
Thats a very useful and impressive for NOS noob like me.
There is very few NOS players in singapore. So I think I have to head up north to my neighbour (Malaysia) to get a kit installed. A local tuner told me abt using MAP on top of TPS to control the spray. I dono why.
I am wondering whether I can ship in a ZEX kit off ebay to my country to my tuner's workshop as NOS is considered dangerous goods. I do not know how to explain if it were to be stuck at the custom. So most slightly i have to head north to install a set instead of shipping one off ebay.
My tuner suggested light boost turbo in favour of NOS. He said he can make thicker gasket to lower the 11.1:1 compression (due to the pistons). I am in a dilema now whether to turbo or spray. The problem in my country is, not many people play NOS, so finding a good installer or tuner is a problem. Which makes the situation rather dangerous.
When you ship the bottles, they are not full so that wont be a problem.
A bigger head gasket will maybe lower the compression .2, Not nearly enough to make it worth it to turbo it.
Installing it is something anyone with half a brain can do. The hardest part for most is the wiring. Again, if you can read a wiring diagram, you can install it.
If you do decide to get it, BUY A WET KIT. Wet kit mixes fuel with nitrous before injecting. Dry kit sprays nitrous and lets the MAF decide how much fuel it needs. Since we do not have a MAF, that is a terrible idea.
Tuning is fairly simple. You generally want to run a nitrous jet 2X the size of the fuel jet i.e. 42/21 combo. From there strap it to a dyno and adjust the fuel/nitrous jets for your ideal a/f ratio. While doing that, watch the knock retard. If you are pulling timing, back it off until it stops. Generally, you will want lower timing 3* for that size shot.
Here is a good jet size calculator
http://www.dynotunenitrous.com/store/Sc ... etcalc.asp
Also if you wanted to be REALLY safe You could get an a/f switch. It works by plugging onto a wideband or stock O2 sensor and you program it so it will not spray unless it is richer than xx.x. That way, if you go a bit lean, it will stop spraying.
Thanks for the useful info. I like the A/F switch you mentioned. I need such safety feature. Oh yes, I think will not go turbo. If going turbo, I will be walking the track back from when I haven started - The track of turbo or NA. My country is very strict on modification. So a turbo snail at the exos is simply too obvious and easy to be busted. A nitrous setup is more discreet which is safer. I will check out whether the Malaysia do sell ZEX kit. I am thinking of the ZEX 82021 wet kit.
Any specfic brand/model for the A/F Safety switch?
A good wide band AFR sensor kit I can think of is the INNOVATE LC-1 kit. Which is abt $300US here.
Nitrous is really discrete. Throw the bottle in the spare tire well and cover the lines with wire loom under the hood. No one will ever notice.
I use all dynotune nitrous stuff. It is just a personal preference. Here is a link to their controller. It also has a built in WOT switch so that saves some money.
http://www.dynotunenitrous.com/store/sc ... product=67
The zex kit is a great kit. If I had more money when I bought mine, that is what I would have gone with.
As far as the wideband goes, Innovate is the best by far.