I just peeked at my ('06 svm) timing belt since the odometer is now reading 48k miles.
It has a Gates Powergrip belt...I thought Gates were the good ones, and the factory used cheap, no name brands?
I just peeked at my ('06 svm) timing belt since the odometer is now reading 48k miles.
It has a Gates Powergrip belt...I thought Gates were the good ones, and the factory used cheap, no name brands?
With all these horror stories on the net, Isnt anyone out there checking there original belt?
If so, thanks in advance for letting me know if your seems to have come with a Gates belt or a Korean one ...
Mine has the Gates Logo and also says 'powergrip' along with the part #.
I'm going to call a few dealerships tomorrow to find out whats up.
Im wondering if because I opted to pay 1k for an extended warranty, the dealer whet ahead and installed a better timing belt before I even picked the car up, just to avoid a warranty issue with the factory belt... hmmm
no idea, aveos are still kinjda young and only a few have had the belt fail, and even fewer actually did the work themselves.
a good place to check would be daewootech.com
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
Thanks for the tip dude.
I can almost guarantee that the dealer didn't swap belts because you got an extended warranty.
i am sure they didnt replace the belt because of the warranty. they warranty is just like life insurance, they sell it to you banking on the fact you dont need work done (thats how they make money)
odds are if you have a gates belt, then gates was the cheapest bid on supplying belts for the timeframe your car was built. parts manufacturers are often changed within years, sometimes monthly or more, to save money on such cheap makes like this.
Well no matter how it got there...if its a Gates belt, thats a load off my mind. I now know, it looks ok, and its not a no- name belt. I'll be able to drive the next 8k miles without holding my breath. I'll swap it out at 58k and be done with it.
when i looked at my belt i did not see any names on it....
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
even if it was replaced, just the fact that its gates should take away all your worries. atleast it wast replaced with some cheap aftermarket.Originally Posted by Monzaveo