Thought I might stir the oil pot a bit....has anyone tried this Valvoine so called 'recycled' oil? In the green plastic bottle. It costs exactly the same amount as their base 'Dino' oil, but I read a few blogs that says it literately 'burns up' in the engine, ( that you loose more between oil changes), not that it catches on fire. Yet others say that it is perfectly fine, no better, no worse than a Dino oil. Now that Iran is waving their fist at us AGAIN, to choke off the oil supply, again, I kind of wanted to change my oil once, before it goes way the heck up, again, and motor oil goes up, again! I mean nearly $5 for Dino oil is bad enough.
But this Next-Gen isnt even discounted, yet Valvoline touts so much how it is made from the oil WE take back to be recycled, so Valvolines homepage says that it cost less for them to 'make and produce this oil, but of course then they go into how much work goes into making it...a BETTER oil than '100% new oil'...something like that.
You would think they would have a price difference between their base oil and this one. To maybe at least get us do it ourselves guys/gals, to buy it and try it.....but then of course their home page tells how much work goes into cleaning the recycled oil, and adding many more chemicals to make the oil...'better than new oil'...a direct quote, and thats how it will free us from foreign oil etc....but anyway...anyone try it? Does it 'burn up' in the engine and you see a difference when you change the oil? I never loose a drop of oil from my car, or 'burn any up', in any car or truck that I have EVER owned. I never understood why I never loose oil, yet everyone else is so happy when they 'only' loose 1/2 a quart between changes. I would freak if I was actually burning THAT much oil!
Ok..please dont go into great detail of how I drive so little, thats why i dont loose any oil. I have good nuts in my car, one holding the oil in the engine, and one driving the car
....and how everyone burns oil every-time they start their car, microscopic amounts, I know that. I just want to know if anyone is using this stuff. What has your experience been. Is this oil really bad for our little car? Or is it just all a bunch of marketing and hype?
P.S. I will NEVER get this right, but, I'll ask again. When do you/I change the oil? I mean I go by time, since I last did it in July. I put in Castrol Synthetic 'Edge', at $8.50 a quart back then. It is JUST now turning dark caramel colored. Do i change it NOW since it has been 5 months? But only like 1,500 miles? Or just change the filter and top off the oil? Or leave it alone for the rest of this coming year?!
I thought THIS stuff was good for like 15K miles! Or is that only that one from Mobil One?