Progress to date. Got most of the bumps and shaping done. Need to pick up some pin hole filler and start the fine sanding.
Washing station after a 320 grit sanding.
First semi-uniform coat of primer. Next pin holes and 500 grit and up sanding.
Progress to date. Got most of the bumps and shaping done. Need to pick up some pin hole filler and start the fine sanding.
Washing station after a 320 grit sanding.
First semi-uniform coat of primer. Next pin holes and 500 grit and up sanding.
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No progress. Insanely busy with Duck rescue and life. So I am on my way to see my GF in a different city when my driveshaft in my truck explodes. So 100 dollar tow and 90 dollars worth of parts. It's fixed.
I then drive three hours to pick up this guy. He is a male muscovy duck with Angel Wing. It's a medical condition where a nutritional deficiency causes the last bone the wing to twist. The causes the outer primary feathers on the bird to go outward giving it an angel effect.
I need to get my car back on the road!
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Nice progress on the car! That bumper is looking good.
Got my money back on the old parts. Will be moving the truck out once I get some cashola and replacing it.
OK Pictures
Here is my setup for painting. Including improvised hanger for the spay gun
Test spray
In the middle of spraying, starting to look good
Next part prepped and ready to go
Now light sanding and clear coat!
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Got stuff painted, YEAH! Now time for assembly.
I did a touch painting on rear spoiler. The inner stickies did not stick, oh well
Front fender being attached.
I did a buff and it's on the road. Yes I did drive it to work today
One thing I noticed, the brakes are super soft so I need to figure what happen to the them. So that's next on the list.
I am thinking I need to get the cruise control installed. I have a button module and never could make up my mind where to put it.
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