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    Thread: CAN The Headlights Be Aimed On Aveos ?

    1. #1
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      CAN The Headlights Be Aimed On Aveos ?

      I looked at the ONLY post about aiming headlights on here, and it was no help. Can I adjust/aim the headlights on the Aveo? On my 2006, they use to be perfectly aimed. I have taken them out like 8 times, to replace the bulb, when I was using SilverStars AND had the DRL connected, it burned out the bulbs FAST. So I know how to take the headlights out and put them back in. I have always had a perfect aim on them. After replacing the entire assembly, for the second time, polishing them just didnt work for me, I have one light pointing UP, and one aimed perfectly.

      But I cant find ANY sort of aiming screw or level or anything to adjust it. It seems like it is only the 2 screws that hold the entire assembly onto the car, thats it! No adjustments.

      Am I missing something? I have 'bent/pushed down' and tightened the screws on the bad one as much as I can, and it is still 'pointing up' ,cant see most of the road. I rarely drive at night, but when I do, i HAVE to use the high-beams, or I see next to nothing. Any help out there????

    2. #2
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Sometimes it's an internal adjustment or sometimes it's an external adjustment. In the case of the aveo, it's hidden away behind some plugs
      Name:  headlight adjustment.jpg
Views: 4796
Size:  140.6 KB

      Please do not power off, firmware update pending.....

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