anyone know if the ss colbalt hood for fit the 07 sedan?
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anyone know if the ss colbalt hood for fit the 07 sedan?
Not sure, do you have a friend with a cobalt ss? if so, take it off and try it :)
no. no. no. no..
anyone how i can make my hood like that then?lol
A hammer, welder, sheet metal, bondo, and tons of tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.
Of course. Its metal, you can bend it, form it, cut it, weld it, make it anything you want. Its just a matter of tools, time, and money.
It would probably be easiest to take an aveo hood and a cobalt ss hood, chop them both up and combine them to get what you want. Do some youtubing on custom metal working. You'll get an idea of what is involved. IMO its a ton of fun, but its also incredibly time consuming.
Ha Ha I know that guy he is in stanceworks.
look into "boser" hoods.. there are some DIY.. well not really universal more of how to.
That hood and grille look freaking awesome! I am going to look into getting this done as well!!
Classic, you should ask him what all was involved with modding his hood :) :) :)
I'm doing that to my good, getting foglights n grill delete once the year starts I hope(:
lol, yeah i figured it was custom made. i just joined stanceworks! His car is awesome I love it too!! I am also doing grille delete and I am doing coilovers for sure, buying it all over the winter and might get a lip kit as well, we will see!!
He measured out metal cut it welded in pieces body filler then shaped it and painted. Not to hard just time without a hood..
Great idea^ make a thread and take pics hope it goes well.