I would never cut springs, especially to get as low as I was. 4" drop on just springs would be an lolbadtime. Coilovers man
I would never cut springs, especially to get as low as I was. 4" drop on just springs would be an lolbadtime. Coilovers man
Here's a better pic for ride height.
So, you got new springs and coilovers? If you don't mind me asking..,what brand did you end up going with?
Coilovers are a spring and shock all together. I went with raceland/rokkor brand
Sweet. Thanks man. I appreciate the specific response. I hate when a person will say...look it up on the forum...it's here. I look first and ask second. If I can't find what I don't know I'm looking for, it can be frustrating.
Never crossed my mind honestly, I get your reasoning behind it as it would tie all the black together in the window section of the side. I had my roof dipped black but peeled it off. I'm gonna buy new headlights and redo them. I destroyed the part thats under the hood. these are by far the cheapest headlights I have ever baked open.
Last edited by jnhalstead; 12-17-2013 at 02:21 AM.
Black out the tails.
Pop out the dent on the driver fender :O
Neo chrome lugs.
Black chrome wheels with a polished yelow lip
Plastidip the "Aveo5" on the hatch, makes it look better.
Run a bozo exhaust on current exhaust placement.
Tails are blacked...I'm working on the dent..gotta figure out best method with least chance of additional damage. I'll have to look up neo chrome lugs..I don't understand what you mean about the black chrome wheels with polished lip. I wouldn't even know how to go about fabricating that. I was considering getting chrome moon hub caps and plastidipping them black.
I have to figure out how to debate aveo5
oh and figure out what a bozo exhaust is