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    Thread: Looking for suggestions on how to 'excite' the look of my silver, '09 sedan LT

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Independence, Kentucky, United States
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      Lightbulb Looking for suggestions on how to 'excite' the look of my silver, '09 sedan LT

      I got this car back in January. While I just now joined these forums, I've been looking at them since around the time I bought the car. Seeing as I bought it used, I didn't have any choice when it came to color. What I got was silver:

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      I think this color is really boring. While style isn't the most important aspect of the car and was negligible when I bought it, I'd like to give the car a little more personality. Without repainting the car (Would be a little too expensive), what are some ways I could make the car look a little less boring? Basically, what are some inexpensive mods I could do that don't require extensive knowledge of how the car runs? I'm not very experienced in this department and I'm probably going to have to pay someone else to do anything that is really in depth. While I'd love to paint it another color, I don't think I have enough money to do so. I'm considering tinting my windows as an option though.

    2. #2
      Casual Roadtripper RicochetRandy's Avatar
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      Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
      Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts
      Those headlights sure look eager for a joey mod!
      And those plastic wheel covers sure look like they could come off! That's where I'd start anyway. Check out the site's garage for inspiration!

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