This may be naive of me....(this is my first new car)...but shouldn't it all be covered under the warranty anyways?
I'll try to take more pictures, hopefully I understood the places you asked for correctly.
I'm not too concerned about it...... because it is a tiny tiny area, but I was curious if it was something that has happened to anyone else. I'll take it to a couple places, and see what they say. Also, give it a more detailed look over in the area.
Side note: the dealership I purchased it at picked up the car from another, at my request, so maybe they weren't aware of a repair? It was a odd situation. I had 2 cars in mind and the dealership that initially said they would made the trade with my dealership called off the deal when mine drove to get "my" car, so they had to find a comparable (more expensive to them actually ---but not for me) car at another dealership. it was kinda a shot gun deal for them. I had originally wanted that specific VIN car that I now have, so it worked out for me...............i just hope there is nothing fishy going on now
(hope that was
Thanks again.... work all this weekend and then finals till next monday, so I will try to get the other pictures up after that.