where can i get some taillights?
where can i get some taillights?
Back end of your car? GM parts dealer? Ebay?
Little more specific on the question...I'm guessing you want aftermarket taillights? Do you have a sedan or hatchback?
try ebay, I found some black ones for roughly $110. Those were for a hatchback style.
i i want aftermarket ones
and i have a 05 sedan
Sorry to say then but for sedans (so far) there are no aftermarket taillight option... sorry.
thats gayyyy hahah.
thnxs for the info tho ..
yeah it sucks there isnt anything for the aveo.Originally Posted by miaveoke23
i custom made hid prjector headlamps, thinking about doing some taillights too when i get time...
edit: I just realized youre new.....
but yeah mike is selling some, go to the for sale section to see a pic of the decal.
back end of your car LMFAO........Originally Posted by whiteraven
i do have decals! and they add like 5 extra hp-lol jk!
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
at least...