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    Thread: 2005 Chevy Aveo (radio doesn't work - capacitors leaked)

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      2005 Chevy Aveo (radio doesn't work - capacitors leaked)

      Hi all,
      I am new to the forum.

      I have done quite a bit of work to this car myself.
      Replaced the engine, cylinder head, waterpump radiator.........

      One thing that is not in my league is the radio.
      The exterior lighting of the radio does turn on, but the radio itself doesnt operate.
      I removed the radio from the car. Opened up the radio and noticed that a few capacitors and a few silver rectangular things have "leaked"?

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      Last edited by wmj259; 05-25-2017 at 10:28 PM.

    2. #2
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Welcome to the forum, wmj259

      The smaller ovoid/rectangular cans are oscillators/crystals, I believe.

      I'm not an electronics expert, but am willing to investigate & tinker, like you. My guess is that radio is toast.

      A failing electrolytic capacitor will start to leak electrolyte, which can be seen as a brownish discharge on the PCB and quite often the case will bulge.
      Replacing Faulty Capacitors

      You're handy. You could probably source / remove / install a cheap working radio from a pick 'n' pull junkyard for not very much money.

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      It was quite hard finding a aveo in local junkyards.
      I can check again if there's a radio.
      I do feel quite gutsy about trying to save this radio, If those are the only things that look wrong or seem culprit like, I can give it a go. Can't break something that's already broken right?

    4. #4
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      You mean order the components that look burned out and replace them yourself? If you're handy with a small soldering iron, why not!

      I'm surprised there aren't many Aveos to scavenge. They sold quite a few -- should be plenty in the yards.

      Another potential idea is post in Sale/Wanted section of the forum and ask if anyone who has upgraded and may still have their old radio available.

    5. #5
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I'll have to open it back up and see what size capacitors and oscillators (they are actually called Crystal oscillator) are used.
      Thank you for the help and welcome.

      Last edited by wmj259; 05-29-2017 at 10:08 PM.

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