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    Thread: Amp, Sub, and Capacitor Placement

    1. #11
      Almost time to do my timing belt daug1502's Avatar
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      i'm running an old infinity baselink 10'' and stock speakers off from an alpine 103br unit, sounds fine. i can feel the bass inside the car without pissing off the neighbors when I get home. the baselink sits in the middle of my hatch space facing up. couldn't get a bite on the rear seat to mount it there.

      2008 Aveo5 SV

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    2. #12
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      Heres my setup with one 12 and an ampName:  CIMG0164.jpg
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Size:  92.3 KB

    3. #13
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Face the subwoofer towards the rear hatch. What this will do is aid the driver (subwoofer) in loading off of the rear hatch and send the sound pressure forward. This will help manipulate the sound wave and give you the best frequency response. This is a very low-powered setup, so mounting your amplifier to the back of the box shouldn't be an issue here, even in the 1/2" mdf pre-fab enclosure.

      Using polystuff or some sort of stuffing fibers inside the box will more than likely help you towards frequency response. At least in the low end of the frequency bandwidth. (Makes the subwoofer act as if it were in a larger enclosure while saving space. This idea can only be played out so far.)

      Finally, get rid of the capacitor honestly. It's called a "stiffening cap" for a reason. When you already have steady voltage, the capacitor will momentarily store current and unload that current to the amplifier quicker than a power cell (battery_ could. Though, since you are just adding an amplifier (something else to strain your stock electrical) you will only see a lower voltage as a result of the capacitor using this current when there is none available. (Extra current per say) Bottom line, look into a secondary battery to run in the rear as opposed to the capacitor.

      Battery>NOTHING> Capacitor when you are running your stock alternator as well as no secondary battery. Look into doing the "big three" upgrade as well. Cheap yet efficient. Remember, you need power to make power. The more current readily available, the better. With voltage drop, you will induce clipping much sooner and this can lead to damage for both your amplifier and subwoofer.

      Hope this helps.

    4. #14
      What do you mean there's no turbo? paulsaveo's Avatar
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      So far, I have had 3 different subwoofer setups (all in sealed boxes) in my aveo. First was a single 8, then a single 10, and now 2 10s, in the next several months I want to jump up to 2 12s. with all 3 setups, I tried facing the subs in multiple directions and always ended up firing the subs toward the cieling. In all 3 setups, facing the subs at the cieling has had the best bass response. firing them toward the rear hatch, I had less bass response but more rattle in the hatch itself

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