No problem. And just to add, obviously you can also hook up horn, door locks, and lights, but above is the list to get the remote start function going.
No problem. And just to add, obviously you can also hook up horn, door locks, and lights, but above is the list to get the remote start function going.
So I just went to my box of instructions/manuals... I remember this being something I had to google. As you can see in the pic my remote starter built by Directed Electronics has a "(-) status output". That's what I used.
I just can't find a ground when running
What remote starter are you using?
Bulldog rs82
Looks like there's more then one RS82 variation out there. Just so I know which you have, do you have a "11 pin harness" or a "9 pin harness" on your remotes start?
I have the 9 pin unit there are also 2 tabs to the right of the 9 pin
Well Number 6, Yellow/Black should most definitely be your wire.
I know which one it is on the unit, I don't know where to connect it on the car
the problem is the pkuaveo module. I don't know where to find a "ground while running" on the car.
The car's wiring isn't involved in this connection. Take a look at the very first pic I posted on page 1. Just take the yellow/black wire from the rs82 and connect it to the "(-) while running" wire on the Pkuaveo. That's it.
Whats happening is that the rs82 sends a ground signal to the pku which brings the pku to life for the duration of the remote start.