I haven't seen anyone actually post pics but it's REALLY easy to change the bulbs on the first gen AVEO5.
To take it off just unscrew the top two screws above the speedo, pull the front off, then unscrew the 5 larger screws that hold the speedo in. Unplug the cable from the bottom and flip the speedo over to access the bulbs, then just twist the bulb holders out as shown:
For the 5 big bulbs you need T10/168/194 for the 1 little bulb you need T5/74/73 just look on eBay and buy extra cuz they're from china so they don't always all work. You can see there are 5 small bulbs up top for the turn signals, driving light, e-break, etc. but I wouldn't change those colors as they're actually clear bulbs and the color is in the "display."
I haven't pulled apart the center console and I don't know if I ever will to change those bulbs so I can't help there other than they're also T5/74/73 bulbs.