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    Thread: Center Console / Climate Control LED Replacement

    1. #1
      Senior Member josefb134's Avatar
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      Cool Center Console / Climate Control LED Replacement

      You will need LED T5/74/73 bulbs for this. These are just diagrams, and you don't necessarily have to unhook the electrical connectors to do the replacement or the battery. Some do feel safer disconnecting the battery but the LEDs are usually one directional so you wouldn't know until you hooked the battery back up to tell if they were twisted in the right direction. I will post pictures of a walk-through soon when I get the time to do it myself and once my bulbs arrive.


      1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
      2. Remove the two black side panels that have dimples on them by using a flathead covered in tape to prevent damage to the plastic, by starting to wedge from the bottom to the top and pry it off gently until it comes off..Name:  IMAG2535.jpg
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      3. Remove the Instrument panel lower cover.
      4. Remove the HVAC controller retaining screws.Name:  IMAG2540.jpg
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      5. Remove the controller by pulling it out to provide clearance for the removal of the cable.Name:  IMAG2541.jpg
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      IMPORTANT: Note the location of the cables and the housings to facilitate their reinstallation.

      5. Disconnect the mechanical control cables by gently prying off the cable eyelet and unsnapping the cable housing from the mechanical slide.
      (I couldn't get the cables undone so I removed the housings that each of the cables were attached to, but if you can get the led's out without removing the black housings, by all means do so and save yourself the trouble! haha It took forever to get all of it reinstalled, I will still provide pictures though)
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      Last edited by josefb134; 12-22-2014 at 06:37 AM.

    2. #2
      OEM+ Hellfire's Avatar
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      Good write up! For anyone who is doing this mod, disregard the random pictures because they have nothing to do with the write up. Thanks for this!

      Also, if you need more information on what bulbs to use and how many, take a look at this thread: http://www.aveoforum.com/forum/f84/g...lb-type-12520/

      It tells you all the information you need for changing gauge lights as well as climate control lights
      Last edited by Hellfire; 12-03-2014 at 04:19 PM.

    3. #3
      Senior Member josefb134's Avatar
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      Attachment 8825
      6. Disconnect the electrical connectors.
      Attachment 8826

      7. Turn the bulb holder to the left and pull out the old bulb.
      Attachment 8827
      I broke the bulb trying to use pliers to pull it out, so be careful if you ever decide to replace them again.

      8. Install the new LED bulb into the holder and turn the bulb to the right. Here is a picture of them in their holders and lit up. Attachment 8828

      I blew a fuse because I shorted one of the bulbs out, if you do the same then here's the location of where it should be in the fuse box under the hood. Attachment 8829

      On the back of the Climate Control housing I found a Daewoo stamp and that gave me a little laugh lol Attachment 8830

      I also removed the front plastic plate on the housing so people could clean it if they wanted to or even replace the stock decal/design layout on the controls.Attachment 8831

      Now its time to just do the reverse and put everything back together how you took it off!

      1. Connect the electrical connectors to the proper sockets on the back of the controller.
      2. Install the mechanical cable housings to the proper control positions.
      3. Install the eyelets on the end of each cable, pressing each onto the proper post.
      4. Install the controller by gently inserting the controller into the proper position on the center console.
      5. Install the lower left and the lower right controller retaining screws.
      6. Install the instrument panel lower cover.
      7. Install the two black side panels by popping them back into place.
      8. Connect the negative battery cable.
      9. Confirm the proper operation of the controller by moving it through all of the controller's possible functioning positions.

      I hope this helped! I think it was long overdue and hopefully it will work out smoothly for everyone! Comment on here and post pictures with the end results if you have any luck!

      Also, sorry about the wierd pictures at first, I guess AllDataDIY likes to change the links to their pictures so people cant use them on forums haha

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