I recently got an Aveo 2009 Hatchback and I absolutely love it. I drive an hour to school everyday and music is a big part of that experience. I noticed with my new Aveo, the bass is lacking very badly. I like to have depth to my music and I feel like it is lacking.
I went to Crutchfield as I have stumbled upon them and like them. I asked about getting new speakers and getting a deeper base in my car.
They linked me to these speakers
Crutchfield Cart
They told me it will give me more depth and be generally better without having to add an amp.
I am not sure if these will be what I need, but the price range is good. I plan on putting two of these in my doors (I have four speakers in my car), and once I receive more funds, I want to replace the ones in the hatchback.
How easy would it be to install these? This is my first time trying to upgrade speakers in a car. I do not know what I will need to do. I was told that everything in the above order is what I will need to install these speakers.
Will I need anything else?
Should I get two of these for the front and two separate speakers for the back?
I would like to keep from having to get an amp or subwoofer. I do not want the best audio system in the world, but I do want to enjoy my music to keep me awake on long drives.
I hope this all makes sense and thanks ahead of time for helping! I am new to the forums and I have to say this is a great car. I am pretty happy with it.
Thanks for everything!!