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    Thread: Help: Installing Power Locks (part of SP-101 alarm system)

    1. #1
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      Help: Installing Power Locks (part of SP-101 alarm system)

      Hey guys,

      I'm new here and this is my first post, however I've been following this forum for a while now. I have a 2005 Aveo hatchback (base), and I'm trying to install SP-101 alarm system with powerlocks. Now I was able to mount the powerlock motors based on the instructions you guys so kindly provided on the forum, however, I do not know anything about the car electrical system, and I'm struggling to actually run the wires from the motors through the door and to the unit. This is my first time installing anything electrical in a car, so you can imagine I'm a rookie. I would be really thankful if someone could explain to me where and to what I would connect the wires from the powerlock motors, and what I would do with the wires coming from the main module. Pictures would be amazing if anyone is kind enough to provide them. I realize I'm asking a lot here but I would be very appreciative.


    2. #2
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Welcome to the forum.

      Didn't the alarm unit/locks come with installation instructions?

      If not, I'd start by going to the manufacturer's website to look for them.

      At a minimum, you need a wiring diagram so you know which wires connect where.

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
      Welcome to the forum.

      Didn't the alarm unit/locks come with installation instructions?

      If not, I'd start by going to the manufacturer's website to look for them.

      At a minimum, you need a wiring diagram so you know which wires connect where.

      Thanks for your reply.

      Right now I have the actuators installed on the doors. My first issue is that, the actuator wires are 22AWG and the wires that I bought to run the wiring from the actuators to under the dash are 20AWG, so would that be a problem if I connect them?

      and my second issue is that the kit didn't come with relays, so I'm guessing I'm going to need to of them, one to lock and one to unlock, but the third issue is that the driver door actuator, along with the two other actuators, only have two wires!!! ... I also read on the forum that someone found that their car was pre-wired and had extra relays, how would I find that out?

      Sorry for all the questions, but like I said this is my first mechanical/electrical DYI on a car. I would have a professional install it, but I'm a student and I don't have more than $150 in my account right now, let alone have the money to pay someone to do it for me.

      Thanks in advance.

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      Guys, any help here would really be appreciated, I'm really stuck.

    5. #5
      What do you mean there's no turbo? PoisonIvy's Avatar
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      The different gauges in wires will be fine.

      I don't have much experience with using relays. But I think 2 is what you'd need. The driver door actuator having only 2 wires, means all the control of the doors will be off the remote. The reason you've seen ones with 4 wires is they go to a remote entry box and can open/close the rest of the doors from the driver's lock.

      I used a very similar kit to this below.

      4 Door Power Central Lock Kit Car Remote Control DC12V with 2 Keyless Entry | eBay

      I'd just run your own actuators.


    6. #6
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by wolfforlunch View Post
      Guys, any help here would really be appreciated, I'm really stuck.
      Is there no way to get a wiring diagram or installation guide for the alarm+locks system? It would make this much easier. Have you contacted the company or checked their web site?

    7. #7
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      Quote Originally Posted by PoisonIvy View Post
      The different gauges in wires will be fine.

      I don't have much experience with using relays. But I think 2 is what you'd need. The driver door actuator having only 2 wires, means all the control of the doors will be off the remote. The reason you've seen ones with 4 wires is they go to a remote entry box and can open/close the rest of the doors from the driver's lock.

      I used a very similar kit to this below.

      4 Door Power Central Lock Kit Car Remote Control DC12V with 2 Keyless Entry | eBay

      I'd just run your own actuators.

      Thank you for your reply, it actually shed some light on the wiring. Unfortunately, the wiring diagram and installation instruction that came with the kit, are extremely vague and unhelpful. That being said, I have a good idea of where to wire what, its mostly just the order of things that I'm supposed to wire things that I'm struggling with.

      PoisonIvy, did you use relays yourself? And if you did it would mean a lot
      if you could let me know what would be the correct type of relay I should purchase, I've been told 5-pin 12v relays. Also a few people have told me that since I have a 2 wire driver-side actuator that I don't actually need relays, this doesnt really make sense to me but if anyone knows anything about this please shed some light. Seeing as the lock-unlock will be control by the remote, I'm guessimg I would have to connect all the actuators to the control module that came with the kit, then connect the two relays to the control module, and then the car battery to the control module?

    8. #8
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      I was able to find this post in the forum, that a very kind member posted, however its a bit tricky for me to read and understand...

    9. #9
      What do you mean there's no turbo? PoisonIvy's Avatar
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      In my keyless entry kit, the box that picked up the remote signal acted as relay(s) as well. So I didn't need to add any separate relays. I then added remote start later, which used those remotes instead, and the lock/unlock wires from the remote start were then wired into the keyless entry box.

      From the instructions:

      CSP - SecurityPlus? SP-101

      It looks like you'll need relays, on page 6. The picture may look a little daunting, but doesn't look that bad to me, even though I've only really used 1 stand alone relay before. (I have put in 3 remote starts, countless stereos, etc.) Pins 86 and 87 on both relays get constant power. Just splice into a constant power wire under the dash. 85's get either the green or blue wire from the alarm. And the 30's then run to the corresponding lock or unlock wire on the actuators. And 87A's are just a ground.

      Here's the wires:

      2005 Chevrolet Aveo Auto Alarm Wiring Guide

      And a pictorial might help (more for remote start, but may help you with power, horn, etc):

      2005-06 chevrolet aveo remote start pictorial

    10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to PoisonIvy For This Useful Post:

      AndrewButler05 (10-13-2015),MetroMPG (09-22-2015),wolfforlunch (09-22-2015)

    11. #10
      Should I keep it?
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      Quote Originally Posted by PoisonIvy View Post
      In my keyless entry kit, the box that picked up the remote signal acted as relay(s) as well. So I didn't need to add any separate relays. I then added remote start later, which used those remotes instead, and the lock/unlock wires from the remote start were then wired into the keyless entry box.

      From the instructions:

      CSP - SecurityPlus? SP-101

      It looks like you'll need relays, on page 6. The picture may look a little daunting, but doesn't look that bad to me, even though I've only really used 1 stand alone relay before. (I have put in 3 remote starts, countless stereos, etc.) Pins 86 and 87 on both relays get constant power. Just splice into a constant power wire under the dash. 85's get either the green or blue wire from the alarm. And the 30's then run to the corresponding lock or unlock wire on the actuators. And 87A's are just a ground.

      Here's the wires:

      2005 Chevrolet Aveo Auto Alarm Wiring Guide

      And a pictorial might help (more for remote start, but may help you with power, horn, etc):

      2005-06 chevrolet aveo remote start pictorial
      PoisonIvy, I cannot thank you enough for so kindly providing an informative guide for a beginner, perhaps after I go through the processes, I can write a beginner how-to for powerlocks/alarm.

      I should've done this sooner, this is actually the exact kit that I purchased: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...ilpage_o00_s00

      So the kit came with actually some extras beside the SP101 package. In the SP101 package which you so kindly provided the link to, it seems that they only provide you with the receiver. Given that you mentioned you did not use relays, do you think I can do without them, using this kit?

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