So today, after 6 hours of straight work on the wiring, it did not work.
I connected the Red from the module to the 12v+ on the ignition harness, and stripped the wire a little bit before the 15 amp fuse and connected terminal 86 + 85 from both the relays to the same Red wire running from the module to the ignition harness.
I connected both the parking lights from the module to the car. I connected the lock and unlock wires from the module to the 85 relay, and connected the lock and unlock wires from the actuators to the 30 of relays.
Didn't do any of the other wirings as it seemed unnessary at this point, I just wanted to make sure that it works first. turned the ignition to on and pressed the over ride button 4 times as per instruction of programming, and it did not flash or chirp or nothing. Tried pressing the lock and unlock button on the remote...nothing.
I feel very defeated at this point, thinking of just giving up on it. The wires were soldered and taped as per recommended. Don't know what the issue is. If there is any final advice, let me know, otherwise I'm just gonna rip the wires out and give up :P.
unless connecting the ignition sense is important, which I didn't do, I simply couldn't find it, the link says it's light green in the ignition harness, I couldn't find this wire.
I didn't read anything about you grounding it?
What you'll want is the PINK wire in the Ignition Switch Harness. (for the Ignition Sense)
I put the ground cables on the metal part of the door, but I didn't secure it or anything...doubt its the ground cable man, grounding is for shorting anyway aint it? should work without.
No, it won't work without it properly grounded. You need to have a solid 12 volt source and a solid ground to complete the circuit. And the metal part of the door likely has paint on it, so even if you had it lightly touching there, it's probably not going to work.
From your description, you should have seen some 'sign of life' from the box after hitting the programming button 4 times. The only 2 wires that are important to see the box come to life are the power and the ground. So the other wires don't mean anything at this point to have power at the box. Hang in there. Go under the dash and find a bolt on the frame of the dash support that is bare metal. Loosen it a little and place your stripped end of the ground wire in, and tighten it back up.
I don't think you're very far off. Might just be a single wire. But start with the basics first, and that's checking red power wire and black ground wire.
PoisenIvy, you were right my friend. I finally installed this damn alarm system after a month of work. The problem was the ground wire not being properly connected but I took care of that by connecting it to one of the bolts in the dash assembly. Everything is working fine, I was able to program the system without any problems. The only issue that confuses me, which is more of a nusense than an issue really, is that everytime I lock the doors by pressing the lock button on the remote, the alarm goes off, and then when I press it again it stops. I guess this is more likely something related to the actual SP-101 Crime Stopper unit than anything else.
I just want to thank you PoisenIvy, because without you this would've never happened and I would've never succeeded. You made my dreams come true man. Would I ever do it again? no, not even for 500$ would I reinstall this again. Was it worth it? Hell Yes! What was the worst part? the wiring and clearing out the wiring. I did a very half ass job with clearing out the wiring, but I don't even care, it's not in the view and it doesnt interfere with anything else in the car nor me while I'm driving, so I'm happy.
Hey that's awesome! Congrats, I'm glad you got it going. Honestly I didn't want to discourage you, but you jumped in to a pretty advanced project without any experience. Anything like a new stereo or speakers will seem like child's play now.
As for the alarm going off on the first lock, that doesn't seem quite right. If I get a chance over the next few days I'll see if I can make sense of it.
I cannot emphasize how much it means to me that you helped me man, you have all of my prayers and respect.
Yeah man I would really appreciate it, but after everything you've done I honestly don't expect you to figure this one out too.
Ok, so I thought about it. Do you remember if you hooked up the Green (-) Door Switch wire to the White wire in the harness by the driver kick panel? I think you'd then leave the Purple (+) wire not connected to anything. Our cars have what is called a common negative trigger wire. So when any of the doors are opened it grounds the door switch and sends the signal to the cars computer. When you hook into this, the Green wire picks up on it (and if the alarm is armed) it will set the alarm off. I'm wondering if you hitting the lock button a second time is just bypassing the perimeter monitoring portion of the alarm.