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    Thread: How To Remove & Replace E Boot

    1. #1
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      How To Remove & Replace E Boot

      How do I get the E Boot off the handle on my 2006 Aveo?
      It is just rotting away,for some reason. I think there is just a simple thin rectangle of plastic holding the bottom of it, to the console, is that right, so it will the bottom of the E Boot just pop in and out from the console?

      BUT how is it attached to the handle itself? Is there a metal tension clip under the boot, or a tiny screw holding it in place under the vinyl? Do I just lift the bottom of the boot up out of the console, and then just PULL HARD on the boot till slides off the handle, and then replace it?

      Or is it held in place wit hsome clip or screw or something, under the vinyl, at the end of the handle? Or is it just tension holding it there? I dont want to remove it, if there is a clip or screw on the underside of it, and if I make my own boot, I kind of need to know what holds it onto the handle, so I make it the right size/thickness.

      I really want to replace this, everything looks new inside, except this. It looks like it is 50 years old! Why it is crumbling away, i dont know. But it seems to be pretty common in Aveos.

      I looked up someones replacement of his shifter and EBrake boot on here, he did a great custom job, but he never showed the E Boot replacement. So I am starting this new thread. Will someone please answer THIS post. I put up posts and lately no one will answer me. Did I do something wrong on here, and I'm not welcome anymore?

      Last edited by FlaAveo5; 07-01-2017 at 02:25 AM.

    2. #2
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      it does pop out of the console. I would start with it down, and pop the back up. Then pull the e brake and pull the front up and back. That is as far as I have gone with it, as I was looking to adjust my parking brake cables. But from there, you can pull it up over the handle and look for any signs of clips or whatever.

    3. The Following User Says Thank You to petrified.rabbit For This Useful Post:

      FlaAveo5 (07-07-2017)

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