I know those componets arn't the best or top end stuff but I had them collecting dust for years and I figured It was time to do somethin with'm. It's a very clean system that's not in the way and it's not a stupid square box taking up trunk space and getting tangled in it's own wires. It only sticks out a few inches at the top of the rear seats and the front slants down the same angle as the rear seats. It's pretty much a perfect fit. The sides are so tight I had to put my foot on it to push it in place. I had all that wire wrap left over from my TBI 409ci S-10 build. This box took me ALL day measurin, cuttin, measurin, cuttin, gluin and screwin together. It's 1" Thick Plywood I got from Home Depot. I found that Butterfly wrap from Joan Fabrics and spray glued it on because my wife likes those things.