What MOMO wheel are you looking at getting?
What MOMO wheel are you looking at getting?
Aveosummit aka "C3Customs"
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Momo Trek in black with grey leather (bottom right)
since they dont acually make one for the aveo you have to measure it with a micromiter and count exactly how many teeth there are then someone at momo can find one that is very close. but even then you have to weld it on to the shaft like i did mine for saftey reasons. you can replace the shaft if you dont want it anymore and put your stock steering wheel back on. i would have a pro do the work. but who knows, maybe they do make one for one of the aveo counterparts. i love mine, i couldn't amagin driving without one. the coolest part though would have to be that i can put either momo or sparrco wheels on.
Which one fit.....do you have a pic....
Aveosummit aka "C3Customs"
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Is your air bag light illuminated? Also do you have any pics of your install?
there is a pic of it in the garage area but i can take some more if you guys want. i have both a sparrco wheel and a momo wheel. the momo wheel is on the aveo right now and the sparrco is on my celica all trac turbo. and at first the air bag light was on but since there was no air bag any more i just took off the clock piece and took out the tiny light bulb on the back side then put the clock piece back in. and poof!!! no more air bag light. it took like 5 min. to do. and all the wheels fit, they share the same allen patteren on th front. you can get a universal quick release from all kinds of diffrent companys to go on the hub.
Nice, upgrade....The wheel looks nice...thanks for all of the tips, also where is the best place to buy the sterring wheel...
Aveosummit aka "C3Customs"
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Bravox Audio - Arc Audio - Stetsom - DLS - GermanMAESTRO - Clarion
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Not ebay...Originally Posted by aveosummit
Go to a manufacturer's website and go to their retailers or order directly
Originally Posted by Audacity Racing
I see we think alike....lol..just trying to take the easy way out, trying not to reinvent the wheel...
Aveosummit aka "C3Customs"
C3 Testimonials
Bravox Audio - Arc Audio - Stetsom - DLS - GermanMAESTRO - Clarion
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Well, my thing is that if you want a name on yoru car and you want a quality product, go where that product should come from.
With eBay you run the risk of getting a knock-off (most certainly are anymore) and that could result in a dangerous failure!