Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
first time fiberglassing, maybe added too lil hardner in to the resin, so now it will take for ever to dry, plus its drying out side in zero degree temp.
i first covered the cloth, and as soon as that dries i will start doing layers.
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
i redid a speaker box that was done i fiberglass that was in a car accident. they used like a tshirt material first and put a light coat of resin on that, it doesnt droop as must as doing your fiberglass layer first, and then they laid 3 layers of fiberglass sheet over the t shirt material. allowing them to dry in between layers.
i used cloth that went clear when i did the resin, i just did the first layer of fiberglass (this time with the right amount of hardner)
any one know how long it takes to dry in zero degree weather?
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
denis pull that **** off and do it right stretch some cheap spandex or something similar over the form to get the smoothness which is the base for the final product then do the fiberglass and the bondo
I know that not everyone can do everything and we learn as we go so I think you need some more guidance. You definitely choose the wrong material to start with. You need something with a lot stretch so it can be pulled over the form without making any creases. Then use a light coat of resin to harden the material and add layers of glass and resin from there. Add bondo to smooth it out and you should be golden. You might as well restart now rather then when it's already in the car and you hate it. And don't rush, patience is a virtue when it comes to this ****.
And if your a visual learner, here's a little how-to. ... 74519&PN=1
i can't restart im in to deep, but it is hard in most parts, i will give it another day, and do another layer
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
it should all be lower than ere you want the finished to start, i would stretch and staple gun some thicker fabric over it to get a shaped piece going, and then lay new fiberglass on that.
everything is rock hard now
did some sanding, bondo putty next
i must say it turned out better then i expected![]()
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
i hope its just the pics you took man but some of those angles look a little anti symetrical good luck