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    Thread: Prostart Remote Car Starter on 2006 Aveo

    1. #1
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      Prostart Remote Car Starter on 2006 Aveo

      I have attempted to install this myself, but have only installed the major components so far to just get the car started, not worrying about door locks, trunk release and all those bells and whistles (I'll do those later).

      I have attempted to use the current installation to start the car, but so far, all I get is the process where it turns on the power, blower motor starts, headlights come on, it waits a few seconds, turns everything off, then sends a signal to my remote, which I assume means it didn't start, as I have no idea what it's supposed to sound like when it does start.

      Do I possibly have something wired wrong or does the system NEED all the other stuff installed, or do I possibly have a bad connection at the starter wire?

      Any and all help would be appreciated.

    2. #2
      LXV-SCOOTADRIVE, ON! 2010AveoLT's Avatar
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      does your Aveo have the Factory Immobilizer? it might be preventing the car from starting because its looking for the 'Authorization Code' from the key.

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by 2010AveoLT View Post
      does your Aveo have the Factory Immobilizer? it might be preventing the car from starting because its looking for the 'Authorization Code' from the key.
      I don't think so, I took my key apart (it has the lock and unlock buttons in it) and left the electronic parts in the house, and the car still started fine without those in the key.

      Plus I tried sitting in the car and holding the key up to the ignition and it still didn't work.

    4. #4
      LXV-SCOOTADRIVE, ON! 2010AveoLT's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Lazagna View Post
      I don't think so, I took my key apart (it has the lock and unlock buttons in it) and left the electronic parts in the house, and the car still started fine without those in the key.

      Plus I tried sitting in the car and holding the key up to the ignition and it still didn't work.
      well, does the remote start system have a power door lock sense feature on it? because with pretty much every remote start system out there, the doors HAVE to be locked before the car starts for anti theft reasons.

    5. #5
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      Okay, that's probably it as I haven't done that yet. I was hoping i could go without it (had sliced my hand up really bad while doing it yesterday) so I'll try that and come back to the thread to update.

    6. #6
      What do you mean there's no turbo? PoisonIvy's Avatar
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      I put a remote start (including a bypass module) in my 2010 this past fall.


      I actually had a similar 'no-start' issue to what you're experiencing. What led to a sleepless night (racking my brain on what I must have hooked up wrong), was I grounded out the hood pin thinking that's what the remote starter needed to see. In fact it only 'sees' ground if the hood is up, meaning the hood pin is up. Duh. the12volt.com was what saved me alot of extra pain. I had almost given up.

      Of course your situation may be different. But you obviously have power, and it's cycling through it's motions. The biggest thing is to make sure you don't have an immobilizer, which many of us Canadians got. One of my first pics in that link, shows the immobilizer which goes around the key cylinder there. Check to see if you have one like that. My 2010 is a 2nd generation, but you may have something similar. (but hopefully not.)

    7. #7
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      you might need to do both, the doors locked, and the key near the ignition.

      Go through the whole system, make sure you have good grounds, I tried sharing a factory ground when I installed my fog lights, and they didn't work. So make sure you have connections, I "assume" without your diagram, that the connection is good on both sides, and where you hooked it into the system is one the engine side of everything.

    8. #8
      Almost time to do my timing belt ontarian_frog's Avatar
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      Is the car a manual or automatic? If it's a manual you have to use the starter wire at the clutch pedal and not at the ignition harness.
      I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.

    9. #9
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      I am fairly certain I don't have the immobilizer as I have taken out the electronic parts of my key and the thing still started without it in the key. The key is the one with the lock and unlock buttons on it if that helps.

      So I spent about another hour on it last night, got the connections to the lock and unlock connected, so now my remote starter fob will lock and unlock the car, so that's a start.

      So far, it turns on the blower motors, headlights, I think last night the chime was dinging, and then it just shuts it all off.

      My biggest frustration is that the install manual and the wiring lists are not as compatible as one would think. I have the install saying to connect the neg. door input and Positive door input but they wiring lists don't how show this as the same names, so I am confused as to how to match them up, it takes forever to get anywhere.

      I'll keep plugging away and might get it eventually.

    10. #10
      What's wrong with my car?
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      is the white section with the two wires coming out an immobilizer or just a key sensor? I think it's just a sensor, but what the heck do I know. There is nothing that wraps around the metal tube, so I assume it's not the immobilizer.
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      Last edited by Lazagna; 02-02-2015 at 11:57 PM.

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