So some y'all must know that i purchased some fire stone coil rite airbags off the interweb the other day. Well you gotta 'use 'em or lose 'em I say... anywho these Firestone CoilRite airbags I bought are useful after the mid-term exam. They hold up, there is one huge dis-advantage I must report - they are squeaky and noisy. So they work as advertised, but when they are wet, they squeak like you wouldn't believe, because, well, you don't have air bagz on yer avea.. who would??!? Now knowing that its not a bushing or anything mechanical, one can just 'turn up the radio' too.
So they work great around 5psi for daily cruising, and i know at 15psi they put the rear suspension back to stock height... and they can go beyond stock height. Don't have adjustable dampening yet but these airbags can jack the spring rate up to whatever autocross needs or for towing, un-even l/r heavy packing, and even the odd time three men are in the rear seat. Since i am function over form so i love these inexpensive, easy to install airbags - i don't really mind that they sound like campers pampers after it rains lol, maybe i can grease them like a dirt bike innertube..
i will post the proper pictures when i get a sec![]()