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    Thread: AVEO speedometer calibration;14" vs 15" wheels.

    1. #1
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      AVEO speedometer calibration;14" vs 15" wheels.

      On a recent trip in my new purchase-2011 LT 5spd-I noticed a discrepancy between the GPS and the car's speedometer. My 15" wheel equipted Aveo ALWAYS read 2 mi/hr SLOWER than the Garmin. My theroy is that the 15" wheel uses the same calibration as the 14" models. Thus, if one is traveling @ 65 car speed, radar would show 67mph.Someone put your GPS to work in a 14" wheeled Aveo and LMK the results. Thanks!

    2. #2
      Still love my daily driver Pickles's Avatar
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      Wheel size makes absolutely no difference with speedometer. Tire size does. And if the sizing was off it would be more off at higher speeds. I.e. 2mph off at 30 would be 6 mph off at 90

      ps my speedo is 2mph high. its just the needle that's off though. my scangauge gives me the same speed as my gps

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    4. #4
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Thanks to Pickles and Petrified.rabbit for your insights.Before I run my mouth, I will run some numbers to gain a better understanding of wheel size vs speedo readings. I could buy the 14" wheels from the 2007 Aveo in the salvagfe yard here, under "parts" and by manipulating the aspect ratio of the tires, the speedo reading would not change?
      Last edited by kcROB; 12-06-2013 at 04:36 AM.

    5. #5
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      correct, the 185/60r14 (stock) versus the 185/55r15 (stock?) are very close.

    6. #6
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      You are right on....the 185/55-15 compared to the stock 14 came out only 1.2% difference: 887 rev/mile(14"); 876/mile (15") . When I locate an extra wheel and buy premium tires, I will consider an aspect ratio that will yield fewer rev/mile for longer life, better mpgs. Looks like as one increases the aspect ratio, the rev/mile decreases, but what about the handling? Will need to do some research...might go to an a.r. of "65" x 15. Thanks for the calculator and say warm!!
      Last edited by kcROB; 12-08-2013 at 12:29 AM.

    7. #7
      What's wrong with my car?
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      This is an old thread but i havent seen it anywhere else.

      There is an ltx model that is 195/60r15 but they say in places it the lt model vs the ls model that most American cars use 185/60r14.

      Gm can refresh if you make it clear you want a stock recalibration. The newer aveo has 215/60r18 but gm might not want to do it.

      I changed to 205/45r17 using the 195/60r15.

      There is places that say the electronic speedometer can be recalibrated using a procedure by holding the odor button while starting the car and wait until the speedo goes up to half. Then release it and hit it again and it will go to max. You drive 2 miles, then hit the button again when stopped and it will lock in how many pulses it went with the bigger diameter tires. You don't need to take it to gm to do 5his.

      Read up on this on Google. I don't endorse this and am in no way responsible if it doesn't work or screws up something. It's your responsibility to choose to do it after researching it and choosing to try.

      This is on automates website. Google it. Good luck

      Last edited by shiver22; 03-11-2025 at 05:26 PM. Reason: Forgot to add something

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