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    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car? Daniel_832029's Avatar
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      Control Arm Trouble!!!

      Has anyone tried to change the control arm on an 06 Aveo hatchback, and the back vertical(up and down) bolt holding the control arm in place, got stuck and was stuck inside the metal shaft inside the rubber, and when you try to unbolt it, the whole thing turns and you have to cut the whole thing out? That happened to me! The really bad thing about it is that when it got stuck, the bolt didn't go down, it actually pushed up on the frame and stripped out the little welded nut. It got stuck on the passenger side to, but b4 it could do all the damage, I just went ahead and cut it out. I ordered new bolts, but im sure there wont be enough room to add a locknut to it. Im just a shadetree mechanic, any help with this would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks

    2. #2
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      cut off the stripped nut, and use a washer. (the proper way would be to weld the new nut in place like the original).

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car? Daniel_832029's Avatar
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      Well, I got new Dorman control arms, and ordered the 2 bolts I had to cut out from GM Parts Club cause local dealership didn't have them. They said they have never heard anything bad about the control arms on the Aveo and have never replaced 1. They've been in business for over 30 yrs. Anyways, I took the new bolts and the passenger side was perfect, but the driverside, I had to take a c clamp and squeze the end of the K back to where it was originally by measuring the pass side, then after I seen the top of the new bolt go thru, I took the lock nut from the used ball joint and put it on the top of the stripped nut(didnt take it off, so it would hold bolt true) and finished running the bolt thru, then put a spot weld on the lock nut so it wouldn't spin. FYI for you DIY'rs who are reading this, If this does happen to you, when you put the new or reused bolts in "USE AN ANTISEIZE" on the bolts. Now I need to tackle tie rod ends. I got new control arms, new struts, after tie's, just need an alignment, and the little ladys car will be ready, and not a moment to soon with gas being where its at(its High because its income tax season). Let me know if ya think what I did will work. Thanks!
      Last edited by Daniel_832029; 03-08-2013 at 12:52 PM. Reason: spelling

    4. #4
      Almost time to do my timing belt ontarian_frog's Avatar
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      Happened to me under warranty and they replaced the whole k member.
      I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.

    5. #5
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      I had something similar, the book says to torque it to 81 foot pounds. It felt like it was pretty tight at 75 but I wanted to torque to spec. That extra 6 pounds stripped the bolt. I ended up switching out for a longer bolt and have a lug nut on the other side torqued to the specified 81ft pounds.

    6. #6
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      what size bolts are they? 12 x 1.25? I need to order the horizontal bolt

    7. #7
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      Which manufacture of control arm for aveo is better?

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