Hello there,
I just picked up a 11 hatch and will be making some parts for it.
I'm a red seal metal fabricator (in Canada) I work in a stainless shop, so all items will most likely be made out of 304 stainless unpolished (due to added cost)
Parts I'm planning on making
strut tower bar (because you need somewhere to lean on when under the hood)
x brace (like the flying miata one used to have a miata so thats where inspiration comes from)
Removalable Belly underpan to attach to x brace
I will be experimenting with different thickness's for a added weight vs aero pay off.
Belly pan may be made out of polyethlene depending on cost vs weight
There will be lots more to come, and I'm just doing this in my spare time so no timeline for progress (IT WILL BE SLOW)
When something happens i'll post pics.