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    Thread: front knuckle/hub; abs sensor removal

    1. #1
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      Question front knuckle/hub; abs sensor removal

      So far I'm regretting tearing into this project (replacing front wheel bearings) it ain't nothing like I expected. Every turn has lead to another specialty tool- almost forcing one to take it in; really Chevy? People who buy aveos are broke already (at least I am, that's why I'm attempted this adventure while I was off work, Under the influence of the flu.... which only added to the joy)
      My question is how do i remove the abs sensor from the knuckle? I have completly removed knuckle from the car, but the tethered abs sensor keeps me from pressing in/out bearings.
      I cannot find a connection, nor does it seem that i can simply 'unscrew' it. I have a tendency to run on the "brute strength and stupidity" end of the scale, but I realize some things need a different, more delicate approach.
      Other threads have helped me get this far, (installing new front wheel bearings) but i can find no advise on this matter. Any hints on putting it back together (which hopefully will be post flu) will be helpful because I really don't remember all I did tearing it apart ..... (My garage was up to 80 and the concrete floor felt so cool, I basically worked on it in between sleeping)
      2009 aveo5lt

      Last edited by yahble; 01-01-2015 at 03:14 AM. Reason: added info

    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      The abs sensor is held in by 2 bolts. Remove the two bolts and it should come straight out. If it doesn't want to come out easily, try using a flat screwdriver and "wiggling" it out.

      By the way, when reinstalling the sensor the bolts should be tightened to 71 lb-in

    3. #3
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      Mine is held with one bolt &'Y' bracket through the ringed/slotted sensor boot (can't get a pic to load). Same principle idea i beleive. It looks like it should pull out, but it's in there super tight. Would heating the cast around it help loosen it? Will dousing it with penetrating oil hurt? Grab it with channel locks, gently pull/twist/pull ..... Heat- I think it would, but want a 2nd opinion.
      Looked at what i have torn apart, first day with a clear head, and... Ugh ... I don't remember doing half of this. What a mess. Gheesh, I'm not mechanically inclined. Hope I can get this right. Thanks for you input.

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      This is abs sensor in knuckle of 2009 aveo5lt. Needing hints on how to remove from knuckle. Bolt from "Y" clamp is removed but sensor is wedged in there super super tight. Heat? Penetrating oil? I need this detached to take and have new bearings pressed in. Is reinstalling just reversed? Slide it back in? Is position critical?
      Thanks in advance.
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    5. #5
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      just so the sensor is in the same clock position, it will work. (get the wire pointing the same way when you put it in..)

      at the point you are at, the bracket is loose correct? I would think you could grab and twist it with a pair of channel locks. just be careful enough to not tear up the plastic/rubber. If that doesn't help, a little penetrating oil might help, but heat will melt the sensor.

      I don't have ABS on my car to tell you if there is a clip to unhook the sensor. usually it is where it attaches to the main harness or goes into the engine compartment (whichever comes first).

      I'm also not sure what specialty tools you would have needed to get to the point you are at, but if you haven't had the tools you needed to this point then you don't have a full set of the common tools.

    6. #6
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      Found the disconnect is inside the firewall/wheel well compartment. I completly missed it previously. I'll just need to pop that grommet and pull it through if need be.
      I seen all the other homemade hub & bearing pullers and pressers on other inquiries that were in place of what I assumed or thought i read, were special tools. That was some aggrevation, or fever induced misinterpritations on my part. Pretty sure my neighbors shop has a big press. If not ,pay-day is Friday, hello rural king or menard,'s!
      Now that i'm coming out of the flu, things are a lot clearer.
      I really do appreciate the help.

    7. #7
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      So far everything went back together pretty smooth and in just over an hour. I'm happy and hope I remembered everything. No parts left, so thaty's good-lol. My neighbor's monster press pushed ithe old bearing out/in lickety split. Well worth the case of pop I took along! grinding the race off the hub I ground into the spindle. So goes my attempts trying to be extra careful not to. After some discussion with my brother about welding and grinding it down I decided for ease of mind to just order a new one. After all it should be in there for the life of the car, hopefully not just another 50k miles.it comes in Monday so hopefully I'll have saved my tire alignment, the other side will last and i'lli able to post a pic of a road worthy 'jellybean'.

    8. #8
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      if you pressed out the bearing, then why were you grinding the race? I don't follow tat part. Depending how badly you nicked it, it might have been ok. But its your car and being extra careful is better than not.

    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by yahble View Post
      My neighbor's monster press pushed ithe old bearing out/in lickety split. Well worth the case of pop I took along! grinding the race off the hub I ground into the spindle.
      It's easy to miss but the spindle presses out using a different diameter push thing. Then you can remove the C clip and then push out the bearing. Unless I miss something there.
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    10. #10
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      I could'nt get the hub removed (removing thehub was during the flu) from axle so I used a bolt through the open holes of hub and and a nut on the inside of flange to turn/tighten/push off knuckle and hub out/off of bearing/axle. When I pulled hub out, the inside ring of bearing (i was calling that 'the race', i guess the race is the OD ring, i was wrong) seperated from the rest of the bearing, the inside ring was on hub spindle where I could'nt get it off. Grinding seemed a good solution.
      Welding the spindle seemd a good ideA but the hub seemed hardened where welding would of made it brittle and i did'nt want to worry for the next 100k miles if I made the rigth decision so new seemed best.
      I'm not much of a mechanic. I try to get Terms and parts parts right.

      Last edited by yahble; 01-03-2015 at 11:30 PM. Reason: corrcected info

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