rivets suck to clean out
yeah but those are so sexy
@ 22 pounds a piece... you might as well walk
not trying to rain on your parade but whats to like about them? a few years ago, yeah they would have been cool, but that style of wheel is so common on ricer hondas now its not funny.
there are SO MANY styles of wheels out there, you can find a badass wheel that doesnt weigh much, looks awesome, is cheap, and isnt something you see on 25 different cars on the way to the grocery store. so why waste your mony on a plain, heavy, ricer wheel![]()
never understood the rivets... where's the thumbs down emoticon?
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
Originally Posted by andrewsvt03
i find it funny that you make this post.....
maybe this will jock your memory
they may not weigh much but the color combo and style are ricey...dont mean to rain on your parade
.....now sure the kick in the nuts with those motegi's is the wieght but the style is nice and would be better if there were no rivets but simples spoke design will always be clean and black on red is a clean combo...
Originally Posted by AVE0SAM
well i know you are not a fan of my color choice, but i dare you to find more then 10 pictures of sportmax 002 wheels on a honda. most of the cars that run that wheel are silvias, miatas, scion xb's and so forth.
its not a ricer wheel, and its not bigger then needed.(which its rice too)
that, my friend is not rice.i picked a different color combo for my aveo, thats not rice, thats being original.
rice is the same old **** on car after car. i've been into cars for a long time, i'm seen fads come and go, big wings (remember when the supra spoiler was cool on everything? lol) clear tails, crazy body kits(never likes those lol)
wheel styles come and go too, but certain wheels stay sexy, like work equip 03s, old racing hart rims etc. look at all the copies made by rota and drag.
the wheel i bought is different, i'll give you that, but its not rice.
if i stuck 17 or 18 inch wheels in my aveo, a fart can and stickers, yeah then i'd be rice.
somebody needs to call the whambulance for these two.
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
omg they have something on their car that someone else does! how unoriginal...
get over the whole Rice scare tactic, we would be happy to have the product availibilty of the JDM market. So the rims are cool, and a lot of people have them. how many of us have steelies, we should stop being like the majority and get rims... wait that might make me a ricer...
If someone wants to be original they will get a part made and not tell anyone how or where they got it made, but we would get upset and moan about it.
If you think it's cool, then get it. If someone calls you a ricer, laugh at their stock beater.