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    Thread: lolllllllllllllll

    1. #1
      Should I keep it?
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      st.catharines ontario canada
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      yes title says it all!

      so as of right now the go cart is sitting on a set of mk2 fk street line coils, and in march; which i may add that will only mean this current setup has been ran only a year.

      anyways in march i am gonna try, really push on the try, and hold the lowest static wave in the world,

      managed to get a rediccccc deal (600 less then sticker price) on a set of mk1 h&r ULTRA ultra low coils, the regular ultra lows do a 4.2 drop, these ultras do a 5" all the way around, and been reading that just dropping them in a wave makes a drop too (shorter strut them oem and mk2)

      now i may play with slamming it to the ground a few shows her and there, but do not plan on dailying it at framebanggang height, using this current setup to run a comfy setup, currently sitting at 4" lower, gonna do a inch more all the way around, tuck the 50 series profile tires and have my fender lips and the same level as rim lips and tuck. and still have play in the strut to drive.

      right now all coils are maxxed, well in summer mode front is lifted 2" to clear 75 profile sidewalls on winters,

      but the back rides like a damn lumber wagon. i hit a paper clip in the road and feels like i just slammed into a pot hole, now my region is no where near perfect roads for lowered ( even a inch) cars, so this is why im going with such a drastic drop, and using alot of it for ride quality, but you can assure that the major shows of the year, i will be draggin subframe coming in .

      youll find me at fitted international this year in toronto ( if i get accepted) as low to the ground as poss. come say hi locals!!

    2. #2
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      good thing you have a wave... and your from canada

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      of course i only run that high for about a week a year..

      The mk2 definitely bottom out in the rear too early. MK1 is so much better. Having had a set of ultra ultra lows, and knowing where I have my mk1 struts set. I hope you can get high enough to daily it.

      My only set of ultra lows, before i ripped the floor out on a manhole cover..
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      Little reverse rake look from the angle of the parking lot..

      i like where this is going.

    3. #3
      Should I keep it?
      Join Date
      Oct 2012
      st.catharines ontario canada
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      Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
      Lol! We'll remember this season we'll be revealing as the barina so my bumper will hang lower now. I just want comfort lol I'll be posting mid march the new drop and all I'm hoping all will just go we'll

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