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    Thread: Looking for Adjustable Coilovers for a 2005 Chevrolet Aveo LS Hatchback!

    1. #21
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      Quote Originally Posted by xintersecty View Post
      Then your friend did not get an alignment. This mod, like all suspension mods will change the geometry of the car. You will need an alignment once your done. Now if they can't adjust the camber once it's lowered then that's a real problem.
      Do I have to get an alignment if I put on new wheels? Like 15x10s? I didn't get an alignment that's why.

    2. #22
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      Quote Originally Posted by Green.Orange.Daniel View Post
      Do I have to get an alignment if I put on new wheels? Like 15x10s? I didn't get an alignment that's why.
      That's a really good question and I can't answer that. I would encourage the more experience modders on this forum to answer that. Say Rabbit or Doax? I would think not but the wider the tire could change that as well. Personally I did not get an alignment with my wheel and tire change. I did keep the tire as close to stock size possible at 97%. As it stands I probably got about 30K miles on my tires with a lot of spin outs and stomping the accelerator.
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    3. #23
      Should I keep it?
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      Quote Originally Posted by xintersecty View Post
      That's a really good question and I can't answer that. I would encourage the more experience modders on this forum to answer that. Say Rabbit or Doax? I would think not but the wider the tire could change that as well. Personally I did not get an alignment with my wheel and tire change. I did keep the tire as close to stock size possible at 97%. As it stands I probably got about 30K miles on my tires with a lot of spin outs and stomping the accelerator.
      Alright. Thank you for your help!

    4. #24
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      you should technically get an alignment even with a new set of tires, alignments are actually a maintenance item.

      though lowering your car requires an alignment, just unbolting the strut requires an alignment. Wheels can come into play with an alignment once a lower ride height is set. Wider wheels will change the specs, so you need someone who knows what they are doing, even with my 9" width wheels and ride height in the back I show some camber, even a little additional rear toe. but the tires still wear ok.. In the front, you have a lot more factors. AS you co down, the control arm pushes the bottom of the tire out. and the steering links give you more or less toe. Typically TOE is the change that affect tire wear the most after lowering the car. you can usually "eye ball" the camber, but you cannot see toe and if you can see it, you've got major issues.

      the kits are available.It is $125 shipped in the 48, being in the US you will only be a little more. Probably $135 for Hawaii. If you are interested.

    5. #25
      Should I keep it?
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      These came up that they fit my car. I think not. Is that true? Lol

      Last edited by Green.Orange.Daniel; 06-16-2014 at 10:35 AM.

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