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    Thread: lowering spring opinions

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      lowering spring opinions

      hey serega12,

      I'm curious how do you like your H&Rs/KYBs and how long have you had them/how many KMs or miles?

    2. #2
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? serega12's Avatar
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      Re: What aftermarket parts would you like to see?

      Quote Originally Posted by byron84
      hey serega12,

      I'm curious how do you like your H&Rs/KYBs and how long have you had them/how many KMs or miles?
      Very satisfied with them. H&R gives me just enough drop to where it looks good and doesn't scrape in most of the places (i have less than an inch, maybe less than 1/2" clearance when entering the apartments I live in). The ride is surprisingly comfortable. KYB's definitely make a difference since they're two-way shocks/struts, not one-way as our OEM struts, so the ride became a lot more "stable" going over continuous bumps when going through downtown Seattle since they have the cross-connectors of the bridges (I don't know what they're called, but they are across the bridge every few seconds when you go on the ramps/bridges). Anyways, it actually feels more stable than stock yet not as rough of a ride as with the other lowered cars I've driven. As a matter of fact, driving it feels more comfortable, especially with the reduced roll when entering/exiting the freeway and taking tight turns, yet people who ride in it don't know that it's actually lowered unless I tell them, so it's comfortable enough). And there was no problems with the installation - they were a perfect fit. I haven't had them on for long, maybe a few months, but since I quit commuting 75 miles one way to work (150 a day, so I was putting about 750 miles on my car a week)... I don't get to drive as much, so I only maybe put on a 1k miles on them so I can't say nothing in regards to longevity of the parts. Hope this helps.
      2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
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    3. #3
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Re: What aftermarket parts would you like to see?

      Quote Originally Posted by serega12
      Quote Originally Posted by byron84
      hey serega12,

      I'm curious how do you like your H&Rs/KYBs and how long have you had them/how many KMs or miles?
      Very satisfied with them. H&R gives me just enough drop to where it looks good and doesn't scrape in most of the places (i have less than an inch, maybe less than 1/2" clearance when entering the apartments I live in). The ride is surprisingly comfortable. KYB's definitely make a difference since they're two-way shocks/struts, not one-way as our OEM struts, so the ride became a lot more "stable" going over continuous bumps when going through downtown Seattle since they have the cross-connectors of the bridges (I don't know what they're called, but they are across the bridge every few seconds when you go on the ramps/bridges). Anyways, it actually feels more stable than stock yet not as rough of a ride as with the other lowered cars I've driven. As a matter of fact, driving it feels more comfortable, especially with the reduced roll when entering/exiting the freeway and taking tight turns, yet people who ride in it don't know that it's actually lowered unless I tell them, so it's comfortable enough). And there was no problems with the installation - they were a perfect fit. I haven't had them on for long, maybe a few months, but since I quit commuting 75 miles one way to work (150 a day, so I was putting about 750 miles on my car a week)... I don't get to drive as much, so I only maybe put on a 1k miles on them so I can't say nothing in regards to longevity of the parts. Hope this helps.
      That was very helpful, thanks alot for the detail. When I first got mine, the ride quality was seriously not bad at all (100% oem original @ 55k km), but it has deteriorated quite a bit since then, mostly my fault. I definitely want to get the best possible when I spend to fix it up, I'll probably be keeping it a long time. I'm thinking about petrified.rabbit's coilover kit if that works out.

      Honestly, your car looks pretty good but I think that's too low for me. I was looking at the Eibach kit, but wasn't sure if it would fit since it didn't say it was for the 2004 -> but it's a 1.3 drop in the front and 1.0 in the back, sounds pretty good to me.

      I think the Aveo must do fairly well with a good suspension and the ultra racing sway bar kit or something similar. If I do keep her a while, I definitely want it to handle well.

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      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? serega12's Avatar
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      Re: What aftermarket parts would you like to see?

      I'm glad I could help, Byron.

      I'm actually very happy with the drop. For me, its not too high/not too low set up. I'm yet to bottom it out. . My right front wheel has rubbed a few times against wheel well liner but that was only because I didn't secure the liner properly and it sat about 1/4 - 1/2" lower than it should be. Plus no complaints from the riders so far, so that's a good thing.

      And, to my knowledge, you're right about Eibach springs, they do give you the least amount of drop, but to me that was a negative thing. . It depends on each persons preference, driving style, and desired final setup.
      2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
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      Re: lowering spring opnions

      I have a 2009 G3 and I was wondering what springs would work for it ?

    6. #6
      Almost time to do my timing belt ontarian_frog's Avatar
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      Re: lowering spring opnions

      Quote Originally Posted by VAG3
      I have a 2009 G3 and I was wondering what springs would work for it ?
      OK. Maybe this should be a sticky or something. All Aveos, Waves, G3s....etc have the same springs. Therefore all lowering springs for them will fit. The suspension design hasn't changed in the 7 years the car has been out.
      I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.

    7. #7
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      Re: lowering spring opnions

      time for rabbit's coilovers everyone!

    8. #8
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? serega12's Avatar
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      Re: lowering spring opnions

      are you saying they're ready?
      2006 Chevrolet Aveo a.k.a. Holden Barina – SOLD
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    9. #9
      Almost time to do my timing belt ontarian_frog's Avatar
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      Re: lowering spring opnions

      Quote Originally Posted by serega12
      are you saying they're ready?
      No they're not. Give it time. He needs to test them too. that takes time.
      I leased Pontiac Wave from September 2006 to August 2011.

    10. #10
      Administrator MetroMPG's Avatar
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      Re: What aftermarket parts would you like to see?

      Quote Originally Posted by byron84
      When I first got mine, the ride quality was seriously not bad at all (100% oem original @ 55k km), but it has deteriorated quite a bit since then, mostly my fault.
      How has it deteriorated, and why was it your fault?

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