popping noise
sorry I don't know if this belongs here on in the drivetrain part but im not sure where the sound is coming from. so everytime I put the car into gear whether reverse or drive and I start to move the car there is a popping noise and then again when I come to a stop. so lets say im backing out of my house it will pop when I hit the gas after putting it in gear then will pop again when I come to a stop and then again once I have put it into drive and hit the gas and then whenever I come to a stop and start again. any help I would greatly appreciate. im thinking maybe like my axel wasn't seated right or something.
Have you checked the tires? Maybe there's something stuck in it, a nail or a screw could be causing that...
dog bone engine mount? tierod, ball joint, control arm bushing? cv joint?
Automatic or manual transmission?
sounds like a gearbox mount know all about these going from personal experiance. take a look at the bolts that attach to your gearbox iv had the bolt nearest the cab break on me 3 times now which has led to me replacing the gearbox now as its ruined the casing.