
    View Poll Results: Red Calipers, yes or no?

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    • Yes.

      3 75.00%
    • No.

      1 25.00%
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    Thread: Red Calipers with Machined Liped Matte Bronze Wheels?

    1. #11
      Still love my daily driver classic67's Avatar
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      I Think what rabbit is trying to say is that this is a forum, there are many uses. It is not our part to tell you what to do with your money but it is our part to help you decide wich route to go when doing work on your car. You said it your self DIY is not for everyone and some have the money to get it done at a shop. Most members use this site to learn how to DIY to make life easier and cheaper why you own this peice of chevy history. I personally mess up some time when i do my own work but it makes me a more well rounded mech and its alot cheaper than a shop. Either way you go be safe get quotes have fun

    2. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by Lirueil View Post
      They're just red painted OEM calipers. I've decided they'll look awesome too! Buying them right now, lol.

      I'm not really into DIY projects and plus when I do something myself the end result tends to be fairly shoddy.
      I wasn't trying to be hostile. But you posted for our opinions, ignored our advice, and now spent too much money.

      Its wasteful. For the cost of the calipers you could do a real modification to increase performance. Maybe its your "I'm paying $300 for a $20 paint job because I'm better than you" attitude.

      Ask a neighbors 7 year old kid to come out and paint you calipers. they could do it, it would cost $10, and box of cookies. But you are instead buying what $100 calipers, and then $200 install because your not into the DIY type..

    3. #13
      Still love my daily driver Pickles's Avatar
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      all you really need to paint them is a plastic/garbage bag, and a can of caliper paint. Rubberbands can make the job easier as well.

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