took the car to a GM dealership to do a 'full alignment' since it hadnt been done properly since the lowering session. Well, they told me the caster will not 'get in spec' so that lead them to delve into the issue more, thus discovering i have a warped/bent sub frame at the drivers side lower control arm. they took a picture of it too. these things happen, so to move forward, i have to source out a used sub-frame and control arm. now, the 'off road' runs this summer are what did it i am sure.. because at the start of the summer the car felt 'spot on'so the GM tech could not get the caster into spec, he showed me the impact spot on the sub-frame and control arm where its a bit bent. he suggested just doing the control arm might be all i need, but having heard this i think i will replace both.. ive already booked the same tech who lead the lowering session so he is familiar with my car.