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    Thread: Tire noise

    1. #11
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      yeap i had the same wear pattern on my aveo too. Until I replace the shocks and get a good alignment, I will continue that crappy wear. Rotating the tires helps and just slows down the pain of replacement.

      Now regarding tire noise. I bought tires for the ranger and over time they developed a vibration at 35 and 70 mph. I had them looked at by serveral mechanics. And the all said, the tires were bad. Even spin balancing them did not help. So I just drive those speeds anymore.

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    2. #12
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
      OK, here's some pics of the tyre's. First two are one of the tyre's originally from the front now on the back

      First picture probably makes it look a lot worse

      This is one of the tyre's originally from the back now on the front
      I'm surprised you are still driving with these tires on your car. You couldn't pay me enough to drive with tires that are bald, or nearly bald.

    3. #13
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      those tires are not really that bald. they just have right hand turn syndrome.

    4. #14
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      those tires are not really that bald. they just have right hand turn syndrome.
      Okay, so let's see some photos of the left sides of the tires, and also the center of the tread, including the tread wear indicators.

      You live in Pittsburgh, I live on Long Island (NY) and I assume we both know what a safety hazard bald tires are when wet.

      If it never rains where he lives, and he doesn't need to pass a vehicle safety inspection, he can get away with driving on bald tires.

    5. #15
      I'll keep it and add a turbo Troy's Avatar
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      Getting new tyres to replace those ones soon anyway. Just need to get the $240 first lol

    6. #16
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      Quote Originally Posted by Thymeclock View Post
      Okay, so let's see some photos of the left sides of the tires, and also the center of the tread, including the tread wear indicators.
      you can see the tread wear indicator on the second picture, its worn even on the outside (so yes 2/32 remaining on that side where its bald). but you are right it is mostly dangerous in the rain.

      in the second picture you can also see the inside tread (on my screen i can?) and its AT LEAST double the outside..

      fwiw to those who dont know, right turn syndrome is cutting your wheel for a right turn and then gassing it wearing off the edge of your tires, because a right turn is always tighter than a left turn, and in a left turn you drive forward first, then turn.. i would imagine in the uk they would have left turn syndrome? you can prolong tire life by not cutting the wheel before making the turn and hitting the accelerator.

    7. #17
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      you can see the tread wear indicator on the second picture, its worn even on the outside (so yes 2/32 remaining on that side where its bald). but you are right it is mostly dangerous in the rain. in the second picture you can also see the inside tread (on my screen i can?) and its AT LEAST double the outside.. fwiw to those who dont know, right turn syndrome is cutting your wheel for a right turn and then gassing it wearing off the edge of your tires, because a right turn is always tighter than a left turn, and in a left turn you drive forward first, then turn.. i would imagine in the uk they would have left turn syndrome? you can prolong tire life by not cutting the wheel before making the turn and hitting the accelerator.
      Hard turns will do that in either direction, and it is the outer edge of the tire that will wear prematurely.

    8. #18
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      exactly, but road ways are designed so it happens on the right side more often. And driving style is definitely relevant.

      i actually had to reteach my wife how to drive because she was going through the edge od the tires on our audi in 5000 miles.. the inside of the tire and center still had 6-7/32 but the right side of the tire was bald to the cords.. and the alignment was dead on (those car really lean the wheel when turned to a lock).

    9. #19
      I'll keep it and add a turbo Troy's Avatar
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      The tread wear is exactly the same on the opposite tire for those interested.

    10. #20
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
      The tread wear is exactly the same on the opposite tire for those interested.
      This outer edge wear is caused by taking corners fast and hard, which admittedly is fun to do, but you will pay for it in tire wear.

      What might be a bigger concern is the alignment and balancing you had done, and whether they were done correctly. There may have been nothing wrong with either, nor with the tires themselves - other than the wear to the tires that was the result of your driving style.

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