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    1. #1
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Tire Size Question.

      I KNOW this is a stupid question. But I have to ask. I have on my 2006 Aveo 185/'65'/R14 tires. Have had THIS size since the first replacement set, didn't realized this till a few days ago.

      I have gone through 4 full sets in 46K miles!! This car eats tires. The front ones. I put 2 Firestones 'All Weathr' tires, less than 2 years ago, and about 6-7K miles used. Now they are now almost bald! These are the Firestone replacements for their FR740's that I had on all 4 wheels, now they are only on the rear. They are of course still in new cond. BUT I never noticed that Tires Plus always put these size '65' tires on, till now.

      All 3 sets have been '65' sized. They are suppose to be 185/'60'/R14. NOT the '65's I have on now. BUT is it that big of a deal?? I can buy the '65s' online, from like 15 tire makers. A hell of a lot cheaper than the '60' sized ones. Those are VERY HARD to find, and only like 3 companies make them. Either crap Primewells, for like $42 each, OR top of the line Michelins, for like $120 each. Not on this car. The go bald FAST no matter the make/model of tire.

      So...what is the big difference between a '60' and a '65' tire? Since I have been running 65's all these years, they must fit, but what is the difference?? Why are the '60s' SO rare and expensive? But these '65s' are so easy to find and cheap? Also...any opinions on Primewells?? Any first hand knowledge. Especially about road noise/wet traction. I NEED a cheap low noise set of tires ASAP.

    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo? northguest47's Avatar
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      Heya FlaAveo5 - there is no such thing as a stupid question, moving on, are you baiting me? On the R14 compatible rim there are 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75 size tires available. It depends on what you are looking for. If you like to rev your motor and want more torque the 55 series is what you want. If you want to 'raise your car' because it is winter and you don't want it to be a 'snow-plow' you would choose 75 series tires.

      The best way I answer this question is to refer to the miata tire calculator. I think 3rd party links are allowed so here goes again:

      Here it is.
      Last edited by northguest47; 03-21-2020 at 03:20 AM.

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    4. #3
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by northguest47 View Post
      Heya FlaAveo5 - there is no such thing as a stupid question, moving on, are you baiting me? On the R14 compatible rim there are 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75 size tires available. It depends on what you are looking for. If you like to rev your motor and want more torque the 55 series is what you want. If you want to 'raise your car' because it is winter and you don't want it to be a 'snow-plow' you would choose 75 series tires.

      The best way I answer this question is to refer to the miata tire calculator. I think 3rd party links are allowed so here goes again:

      Here it is.
      I drive like an old woman going to church,99% of the time. And as I replied below, I have them rotated, balanced, front end alignment done FREQUENTLY!!! Still loose the front ones. I didnt know there were like 5 'sizes' for this car. I really dont know what that '65 or 60' means. But like I said, the 65's are on it, never even saw that. All I know is the 65's are cheap,online. The 60's are made by like 2-3 tire makers. But the 65's are made by everyone!!! Well I guess it doesnt matter then. As for what I am using them for, it is ALL city driving,and low speeds, and I NEED low noise tires. As we all know, the Aveo isn't packed with lots of sound proofing, although MY soundproofing/rust proofing spray on the underbody is still all in tack! Nice and solid black,but it isnt an inch thick, it is just sprayed on I assume for rust proofing.

      So road noise is transferred to the cabin easily through the tires. Any opinion on the Primewells??? Are they junk or ok?

    5. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by FlaAveo5 View Post
      I drive like an old woman going to church,99% of the time. And as I replied below, I have them rotated, balanced, front end alignment done FREQUENTLY!!! Still loose the front ones. I didnt know there were like 5 'sizes' for this car. I really dont know what that '65 or 60' means. But like I said, the 65's are on it, never even saw that. All I know is the 65's are cheap,online. The 60's are made by like 2-3 tire makers. But the 65's are made by everyone!!! Well I guess it doesnt matter then. As for what I am using them for, it is ALL city driving,and low speeds, and I NEED low noise tires. As we all know, the Aveo isn't packed with lots of sound proofing, although MY soundproofing/rust proofing spray on the underbody is still all in tack! Nice and solid black,but it isnt an inch thick, it is just sprayed on I assume for rust proofing.

      So road noise is transferred to the cabin easily through the tires. Any opinion on the Primewells??? Are they junk or ok?
      The 60 or 65 is a percentage of the width. 60 would be a tiny bit shorter tire.

      185 is 185 mm wide
      60%of 185 =111mm(4.37")
      4.37" + 4.37" + 14" rim size =22.74" tall tire

      65% of 185mm=120.25(4.73")
      4.73"+4.73"+14" rim size =23.46" tall tire

      The 65 series tire is .72" taller than the 60.

    6. #5
      What's wrong with my car? Daveo's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Boom View Post
      The 60 or 65 is a percentage of the width. 60 would be a tiny bit shorter tire.

      185 is 185 mm wide
      60%of 185 =111mm(4.37")
      4.37" + 4.37" + 14" rim size =22.74" tall tire

      65% of 185mm=120.25(4.73")
      4.73"+4.73"+14" rim size =23.46" tall tire

      The 65 series tire is .72" taller than the 60.
      Absolutely correct, and the effect is more pronounced than you'd think because that .72" difference gets multiplied by Pi and then added to the circumference of the tire since that's what really matters here, assuming it can still physically fit in the wheelwell. Absolute max for for the front of my '04 is 195/75 which I use for maximum MPG.

      As for noise, VERIFY your tire pressures are up! Only good things happen when they're inflated fully: more efficiency (= more power!), longer life for tires AND car components and yes, even less road noise.

    7. #6
      What do you mean there's no turbo? gclark8's Avatar
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      Good question and a good answer!

      I can only add, how often do you have a wheel alignment?
      And what tyre pressures? I was using 38 front and 36 rear for 8 years and no wear!

      Also, do you rotate the wheels as recommended in the manual?
      Last edited by gclark8; 03-21-2020 at 07:48 PM.
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    9. #7
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Hi. I have had these things rotated, balanced, front end alignments 3-4 times a year!!! It's entire life. Aveos do eat tires, but mine eats them FAST. Front only. I replaced the front struts as well. No matter the maker of the tire, the fronts go bald/wear down FAST!!! That why I had to replace my Firestone 'FR740s' that were actually finally lasting, by rotating them every 4 months, only like 1K miles maybe, but the front ones got a BUNCH of nails in them one day, and was told they couldnt be plugged/patched,the nails were to close to the side ribs. So I had to replace them both. With Firestones NEW 'All Weather' tire, that replaced their 'FR740s', that they no longer make. These are total junk!! So, I do not know why it eats these the front tires, other than I only drive in the city, so i do A LOT of turns. But I rarely go over 60mph in the city Hey i have my moments. So now I am looking for cheap but low noise tires. And I really didnt know that many other 'sizes' were available for it. As mentioned in the above reply.

    10. #8
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      You really ought to get at least 20,000mi out of a set of tires. If not, there is a problem somewhere.
      If you don’t, it doesn’t matter what tire you put on.
      That said, it doesn’t really matter if you put a 60 or 65 tire on. They are close to the same size, and the only difference you’ll see is your speedo may be off by a mph or two.

      somewhere there is a suspension and or a steering issue.

    11. The Following User Says Thank You to Eg.h2o For This Useful Post:

      FlaAveo5 (03-22-2020)

    12. #9
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      Well in 14yrs. I have not found an issue with the steering or front end. I have had it seen by independent mechs., (the dealer the first 3 yrs), Tires Plus, and they WANT to sell every repair there is. And did!! So far, the only 'big' parts replaced up front was the entire strut units, after like 9 yrs. And that was at an independent mech. NOT Tires Plus, at like 30K miles? So all I keep coming up with is, 75% of the weight is on the front and with all the turns I make, all the time, wears them out. Even with rotating and balancing, thus I want to spend as little as possible on these new tires this time. Makes no difference.

    13. #10
      What do you mean there's no turbo? gclark8's Avatar
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      Ok read and understood.

      The only un-answered question is tyre pressures? (see up/dn page for my quote)
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