wow- nevermind- i spaced.
ok so where is fontana?
wow- nevermind- i spaced.
ok so where is fontana?
Low n Slow
sorry about the couble post. Fontana is near ontario... (ontario airport)
im just rying to remember where all that is. i used to live in beaumont, but i dont remember much other than being bored out of my mind.
Low n Slow
o wow, i live like 3 min from beaumont.
no way! well i was actually in cherry valley- but most people cant find it on a map so i say beaumont or yucaipa<-- (sp?)
Low n Slow
haha yea. I live in Calimesa... in between yucaipa/cherry valley
holy crap- how do you handle it there? i hated that area. it was so boring- and when it was hot it was too hot, and when it was cold it was tooo cold- it was awful. how long have you lived there?
Low n Slow
im hardly in the area... just basically to sleep. Ive been there about 13 years now.
i was out there about 4-5 years ago, and i only lasted about 8 months.
Low n Slow
sounds like chicago lmao!Originally Posted by boxkiller
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.