What weekend are we planning for again? Can't be the first weekend in April because I'm going to Chicago that weekend
What weekend are we planning for again? Can't be the first weekend in April because I'm going to Chicago that weekend
Any weekend is good for me.
ooohhhh...what part? how long? im southside chicago remember that! lol, lemme know if u will have free time and maybe we could meet up, get some beers or sumtin.Originally Posted by y2daniel1981
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
Going with family so no can do, lol. Maybe on my next trip to Chicago (whenever that may be)Originally Posted by mikedudley17
someone throw a date out there.
i say may 10th would be a good day. temps should be around 75-80 and the bees shouldnt be too bad lol. and i also vote for maybe a midday or afternoon meet time.
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
10th is a Thursday, so that'll be no good for me. I say the 26th
u lookin at the same calendar as i am? anyways, i doublechecked and HIN is on may 10th so my next suggestion is may 24th???
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
Originally Posted by mikedudley17
I checked 2 caldendars and my dates are the right dates, 10th is a thursday and 24th is a saturday in april
naw im talkin MAY lmao!!! i was like, wtf??? oh wow, ok, so u wanna do the 24th of april?
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
yeah let's rock 26th of April. This good with everyone?