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    Thread: tax on cars in rochester NY

    1. #11
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      isn't the 14% sales tax to pay for their nation wide health care?

      also doesn't it replace some or all income tax?

      two things the US government should be doing..

    2. #12
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
      isn't the 14% sales tax to pay for their nation wide health care?

      also doesn't it replace some or all income tax?

      two things the US government should be doing..
      14% (used to be 15%) is the sales tax, it does not replace the income tax at all, the income tax is even worse (if you make 100 000$ a year the government will take almost 50% of that) the reason the taxes are so high is caz Canadian economy is in a worse state in the good times, then US economy in the resesion. there is no big industry in Canada, there are no jobs, and a big part of the population lives on welfare or social assistance (this is were the tax dollars go in to). our "free" health system is not as great as it sounds with wait times for MRI scans up to 2 months long.

      also intresting fact is Canadians have to play 200-500$ a year for health care (unless they are on social assistance), and as far as i understand, in US you guys have free health care for people on welfare and age 65+ (medicade, madicare), so Canadian "free" health care is not so free.
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    3. #13
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      I've lived in Canada my whole life and have never had to pay for health care until I moved to Alberta where they charge $70 a year for your health card. And even that is going to be done with in 2009. As far as why we have to pay so much in taxes goes, we (people who work) are getting rape up the ass by taxes so some ****ing 18 year old high school dropout can sit home with her 4 kids and smoke pot all day. They faster we get rid of welfare, the faster our economy can get back on track. Until then, work harder because millions on welfare depend on it.

    4. #14
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      both of your points are interesting, i guess the news is misinforming us to sway our country to national health care, as i thought that both those facts come from news stories of US people locally who run to canada to buy medication, while canadians come here to buy things from our outlet shops to save on the sales tax put there to pays for those things..

      personally i dont know how healthcare could be nationalized equally, rich people or people who pay for good healthcare coverage will still want better treatment that they get. but those poor people on welfare already get immediate care without question. and illegal immigrants get it ALL free of charge.. (where my parents live in florida)

    5. #15
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      i know many people who for what ever reson don't have theie health card and they do not get any health care, also illigal imagrants don't get health care here in Canada. so i guess its better to be an illigal in US then in Canada, lol.

      the fact is the news in US show the good thing about canadian health care to improve its own, but in canada we are shown the bad things about US, and told to be thankful for the **** that were are given.

      as for the statment about lazy people who live on other's taxes, if Canada had jobs for them that they would pay well enough that they could feed and cloth their 4 children they would not be depresed and self medicating with drugs.

      i know many people who are graduating or alrady graduated from University, and there are no jobs for them, and if the government expacts them to flip burgers they have another thing coming to em. this is why all the educated people leave canada for US, or Europe.

      its makes me laugh when we are told that we that we need to do something about our doctors leaving for the states. the government should try to tax em less and not give me work load of ten doctors caz they are short staffed.
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    6. #16
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
      both of your points are interesting, i guess the news is misinforming us to sway our country to national health care, as i thought that both those facts come from news stories of US people locally who run to canada to buy medication, while canadians come here to buy things from our outlet shops to save on the sales tax put there to pays for those things..

      personally i dont know how healthcare could be nationalized equally, rich people or people who pay for good healthcare coverage will still want better treatment that they get. but those poor people on welfare already get immediate care without question. and illegal immigrants get it ALL free of charge.. (where my parents live in florida)
      some points....
      -you actually listen to the news? Liberal biased/never tells you the whole story (part of the reason obabma got elected) Oh, and talk to any soldier, they will tell you we are making a HUGE difference in Iraq.
      -meds are cheaper there because they don't do the FDA testing we do here. We do the testing and the cost gets passed on to us, they sell the drugs cheaper and without restrictions.
      -more and more Canadians come to Strong, Highland, Park Ridge, General, and other local surgical centers becuase they can actually get an appointment. Some patients tell me they wait 4-5 years for some surgeries in Canada
      -healthcare should be for those who PAY FOR IT. If you don't pay, oh well...survival of the fittest.
      -listen to Canandians when they talk about taxes...we have it good here in the states, EVEN here in NY compared to Canada

      So you tell me, what health care system would you rather have?
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    7. #17
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      Quote Originally Posted by deniswhite1
      know many people who are graduating or alrady graduated from University, and there are no jobs for them, and if the government expacts them to flip burgers they have another thing coming to em. this is why all the educated people leave canada for US, or Europe.
      There are lots of jobs around but people find it easier to just ask for handouts. When I was living back east, I was only making $12/hour and falling behind quickly on bills, credit cards, etc. I looked for another job but there weren't that many in town so I looked in other parts of the country and there were tons of jobs. So I picked one in Alberta and now i'm making $33/hour. People just have to realize that stuff isn't handed to you and you have to work hard and make sacrifices to get where you wanna be.

    8. #18
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      Quote Originally Posted by Ron-E-Babe

      So you tell me, what health care system would you rather have?
      your right, i don't tend to listen to the news, and i know it is liberal, and i know the differences we are making in iraq regardless of what the liberals allow us to see. I just thought there was some truth to the reports because so many of the locals believe it, and they interview the canadians who are here shopping.

      the FDA thing makes sense too, i know they take advantage of our system, but i am never sure that is really is only because even though they charge $10 a pill, my insurance still only pays them $.50. same with bandaids and everything else. my insurance pays 15-25% of what is billed by the provider. Their prices they pay seem fair and accurate. but that is what makes our system screwed up.

      And i have heard the nightmares of government healthcare, in canada and here. but by my parents house, the illegals go to the hospital and get whatever they want. my dad has seen a parent recommends that the doctor does an exray or mri, and they will get it. because the federal government will just pay. where as my dad who pays for insurance and can't get either without going through the red tape of the healthcare system. he knows some of the illegals and they verify that can get anything they need.

      i just fell that if we provide "free" healthcare to illegal immigrants and welfare cases, then we should be able to provide better treatment for those who pay, and those who wish they could pay for better insurance but can't.

    9. #19
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      i must go thru my life with blinders on. did i open up pandoras box on this one?
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    10. #20
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      Re: tax on cars in rochester NY

      DO NOT get me started on illegals..LMAO When they show up the the ED, I think the hospital should call INS and they get a one way ticket HOME!!!

      Oh..and we need some kind of invisible fence installed along the border and implant a small explosive charge in them when they do get deported. Need I explain any further? LOL

      Icelandic Blue with "LOW VEO" tags


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