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    Thread: 2006 Aveo 1.6 manual-Changed water pump but messed up timing marks

    1. #1
      Should I keep it? rrb6699's Avatar
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      2006 Aveo 1.6 manual-Changed water pump but messed up timing marks

      I tried to change the water pump. but when I put the timing belt back, my timing marks are all off. I thought I was careful putting the belt on. I tried a few things but couldnt line them up.
      anyway, I couldn't work on it due to darkness.

      what do I need to do to set them back in synch?

      I stopped once I noticed this. I still have things apart, but, just put engine mount back so my jack doesn't support the engine all night.

      I didnt think a water pump job would be this difficult. I watched how it was done so decided to try. probably messed things up pretty good this time. I need it back on the road asap too.

      Last edited by rrb6699; 10-12-2016 at 04:19 AM. Reason: spelling
      RR - 2006 Aveo 1.6litre LT 5sp

    2. #2
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Did you pin the 2 cam pulleys together, to prevent them from being able to spin? Most folks do this, either with a specialty tool or with something simpler such as zip ties. The job becomes much easier once the cams are locked in place with those 2 marks lined up.

      Sounds like you are reusing the belt. If so, is it fairly new? How about the idler and tensioner - have they been changed recently? Most DIYers who post here install all 4 components, simply because any of the 4 can fail, with the same disastrous outcome.

    3. #3
      Should I keep it? rrb6699's Avatar
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      ok, I got all the timing marks back together. no I didn't use anything to hold the pulleys fast. now that I got the timing marks aligned there was a slight issue. when I tensioned the water pump, the crank comes off the mark slightly. if I relieve the tension, I can turn it (nudge it) back with the harmonic balancer.

      my big question is should I try and crank it over? the belt, tensioner, roller have 10k miles on them and still look new. the water pump is what I was changing. I am having trouble turning it by hand. it hangs up, but, I haven't tried to turn it with the harmonic balancer. if I try turning it by the pulleys they jump their spot.

      thats why I'm asking about cranking with the key. I detached the plug wires so it won't start. if I do that maybe I can re-tension the water pum, recheck the marks, then try a start.

      so, once I get to this step, if I re-tension, wont it move the crank again? should I just let it sit where it wants? my guess is it moves clockwise about 1/16 inch.

      the belt is not real tight. I can make it tight, but, then it moves the crank. so not sure how tight it should be.

      thanks in advance.
      RR - 2006 Aveo 1.6litre LT 5sp

    4. #4
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      You posted on another thread, and that how-to has all of the information you need to correctly tension the belt. That 1/16" movement doesn't sound like an issue, but you should definitely make 2 full manual engine revolutions first, before trying to start it up. Just follow the details in the other thread and everythinbg should come out fine.

    5. #5
      The Lowest Static Aveo Melveo's Avatar
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      Name:  IMG_1713.jpg
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Size:  287.4 KBHad a freak accident and I almost destroyed my motor, bolts to inner mounts broke off inside the cover and the mounts came close to the cams but the bolts ate up the timing belt but didn't break the belt. Had to replace the tensioner, belt and cam but lucky I found a a Aveo in a junkyard and it had just been done so I used those parts. I couldn't mark it. I just lined the cams up and looped the belt, I gently rotated the intake cam while finished looping the belt. The belt only moves when you rotate the pump but just triple check yourself. 1,000 miles later and a couple hard pulls and she's running smooth. Im maxed out the the coilover swap so I break the weirdest stuff. Im always breaking the bolt to the mount that holds the trans to the mount. Will post some pics, some may be rotated Name:  IMG_1580.jpg
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      Last edited by Melveo; 10-13-2016 at 01:04 AM.

    6. #6
      Should I keep it? rrb6699's Avatar
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      update 10/13/2016
      ok, I manually spun the engine 8 times before trying to start. no start just crank. the timing marks lined up on the pulleys fine but the crank mark was off towards clockwise rotation by 1/16th inch. does this make the valves stay open just enough or should I still get fire?

      A couple others looked at it from the top and said the crank was off was off by a tooth. I say it was less than a tooth.

      anyway, verified TDC and the marks then tried a start. no start. one guy said I got to line up the crank mark one tooth counter to rotation (counterclockwise). so I did, but, lost the pulley marks even though I clamped them.

      so gonna line everything up again and turn it over again by hand before trying another start.

      one more thing. the "left" pulley towards rear of the car wanted to spring down when I rotated it to the timing marks and let it go. should I let it stay where the spring action takes it, offset the other pulley up then rotate back so they meet? I forced the pulley to stay by clamping then tightening the belt. maybe the valves are not shut because I did that.

      part of the problem is I didnt have my tools die to someone borrowed them and hadn't returned them before my waterpump started leaking. plus working outdoors at the mercy of rain.
      Last edited by rrb6699; 10-13-2016 at 04:38 PM.
      RR - 2006 Aveo 1.6litre LT 5sp

    7. #7
      The Lowest Static Aveo Melveo's Avatar
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      No make sure they line up, that's why you hold just enough pressure on the left pulley to keep it lined up, the crank bolt has nothing to do with the valves. Post some pics here are my recent onesName:  IMG_1614.jpg
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    8. #8
      Should I keep it? rrb6699's Avatar
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      I cannot line up all 3 marks. if I line up the pulleys the crank is off, if I line up everything to the marks you show and the crank, when I tension the water pump, the crank gets pulled off mark.

      here's the pic of my pulleys. never mind it doesnt upload. if I have to line up the two top marks, its like the timing belt is always off by 1. in that case my belt must be stretched because there's no other way to align the top pulley marks and the crank.

      here's the pic if it works.
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      RR - 2006 Aveo 1.6litre LT 5sp

    9. #9
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      Do you have the spark plugs out? If not, try that to see if it makes it easier to get the marks to line up closer. That said, I don't know why it wouldn't fire (at least something), even if it were off by one tooth. People that had it off by one tooth typically report some type of firing - usually poor, but at least something. Is it possible that the cam sensor connector didn't completely click in?

    10. #10
      The Lowest Static Aveo Melveo's Avatar
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      Gently release tension and take the belt off the right pulley and rotate cam back 1 tooth. Try to keep everything else lined up and make sure if it comes off, to start from the crank pull and go counter clock wise. Use small grip pliers to hold the belt to cam before tensioning don't tension with them still on

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