Any links to cheap/free repair manuals?
I've been scouring the web trying to find some cheap and comprehensive repair manual(s) for my 2009 Aveo, and not having much luck. I tried using AllData, and there's nothing in there -- it's just part prices and really basic stuff. I'm looking for something long-winded with tons of information and diagrams. I see that Chilton DIY has some info on our car here: 2009 Chevrolet Aveo Auto Repair Manual - ChiltonDIY Not sure how useful it is. Honestly, it looks like it'll be something similar to AllData. And here's a factory repiar manual on ebay for $300: 2009 GM Chevy Aveo Pontiac Wave G3 G 3 Service Shop Repair Manual Set New | eBay Are there any free repair resources out there for our Aveos? Looking to diagnose an A/C issue.